Employees Urged To Be 'KatSafe'


Sam Houston State University employees will soon be receiving information on how to sign up for the KatSafe emergency notification system.

Frank Parker, vice president for student services and chairman of the committee that reviewed SHSU's emergency notification procedures, said there are several key points that need to be emphasized.

First, registration can be done online by accessing https://ww2.shsu.edu/cont01wp/ through the SamWeb administrative Web site. Access is by password.
The online form is listed under Miscellaneous on the SamWeb menu.

Parker said that although the online form requires only one phone number, he encourages the listing of up to six phone numbers, two e-mail addresses, and one text message per student or employee.

"One of the great features of the system we selected is its multiple modes of reaching its participants," said Parker. "In an emergency, we wanted to have redundant methods of communication."

The signup memos also include additional information:

The memos to employees also include a link to a page about the Connect-ED technology being used by KatSafe. The Connect-ED information notes that many campuses have used their contact information for such purposes as notifying students of payment deadlines and distributing surveys.

This will not be done at Sam Houston State, said Parker.

"We want to assure everyone that all personal information will be maintained in strict confidence," he said. "Also, our system will be used for emergencies only to assure that when users receive messages they know it is of highest importance and related to their safety."


- END -

SHSU Media Contacts: Frank Krystyniak
June 5, 2008
Please send comments, corrections, news tips to Today@Sam.edu




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Director: Bruce Erickson
Assistant Director: Julia May
Writer: Jennifer Gauntt
Located in the 115 Administration Building
Telephone: 936.294.1836; Fax: 936.294.1834

Please send comments, corrections, news tips to Today@Sam.edu.



SHSU 'In the News'


Brian Domitrovic, assistant professor of history, appeared on Book TV (C-SPAN) May 1-2, speaking about his recent book "Econoclasts: The Rebels Sparked the Supply Side Revolution and Restored American Prosperity" (www.econoclasts.net).


Houston Chronicle education writer Jeannie Kever recently turned to Regents Professor of English Paul Ruffin for his views on university presses moving toward "digital books" as opposed to traditional ink-on-paper."We're fulfilling the ancient role of the university press, and that is to produce books," said Paul Ruffin, the Texas poet laureate for 2009 and director of the Texas Review Press at Sam Houston State University. "I don't want to give up the book because it is an art."


Faculty/Staff Birthdays


Monday, May 3

Debbie Birdwell


Tuesday, May 4

Rhonda Callaway

David Gaines

James Walker


Staff Council Spotlights


Jennifer Davis

Sonya Ramirez

Molly Doughtie

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"The measure of a Life is its Service."