Shown with President Jim Gaertner, far left, and Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs David Payne, far right - Promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure front row: Craig Henderson, Shirley Johnson and Stacy Ulbig. Second row: Mary Swarthout and Ramona Noland. Third row: David Mayes, Gregg Buck, Rhonda Callaway, Chi-Sing Li and Mark Gaus. Back row: Douglas Kingman and Mark Tuttle.
Promoted to Professor with Tenure - Willard Oliver (center)
Promoted to Professor, front row: Julie Hall, Melissa Morphew, Penelope Hasekoester and Stacy Edmonson. Second row: Douglas Constance, Alice Fisher, Kandi Tayebi and Ty Cashion.
Awarded Tenure: Stephen Scariano, Melinda Holt, Scott Chapman and Gene Theodori
Retired Faculty: Betty Higgins, Vic Sower and Robert Biles
Faculty Emeriti: Barbara Corbin, Vic Sower and Carol Smith
Faculty Excellence: Joyce McCauley, Marcus Boccaccini and Sam Souryal
Texas Poet Laureate: Paul Ruffin
Texas State University System Regents' Professor: Beverly Irby
- END -
SHSU Media Contacts: Julia May
September 8, 2009
Please send comments, corrections, news tips to
This page maintained by SHSU's Communications Office
Director: Bruce Erickson
Assistant Director: Julia May
Writer: Jennifer Gauntt
Located in the 115 Administration Building
Telephone: 936.294.1836; Fax: 936.294.1834
Please send comments, corrections, news tips to
Brian Domitrovic, assistant professor of history, appeared on Book TV (C-SPAN) May 1-2, speaking about his recent book "Econoclasts: The Rebels Sparked the Supply Side Revolution and Restored American Prosperity" (
Houston Chronicle education writer Jeannie Kever recently turned to Regents Professor of English Paul Ruffin for his views on university presses moving toward "digital books" as opposed to traditional ink-on-paper."We're fulfilling the ancient role of the university press, and that is to produce books," said Paul Ruffin, the Texas poet laureate for 2009 and director of the Texas Review Press at Sam Houston State University. "I don't want to give up the book because it is an art."
Monday, May 3
Tuesday, May 4
"The measure of a Life is its Service."