Promotions, which become effective in the 1996 Fall Semester, are:
Ronald L. Aungst to associate professor in Public Communication, William E. Carroll to associate professor in Political Science, Thomas G. Chasteen to associate professor in Chemistry, Fur-Jen Denq to associate professor in Sociology, Richard F. Eglsaer to professor in Psychology and Philosophy, and Margaret A. Farnworth to professor in Criminal Justice;
Also, Barry A. Friedman to associate professor in Physics, R. Scott Harnsberger to associate professor in the Newton Gresham Library, Michele R. Hewlett-Gomez to associate professor in Language, Literacy and Special Populations, Jiahuang Ji to associate professor in Mathematical and Information Sciences, Janice P. Lange to associate professor in the Newton Gresham Library, and Patric K. Lawler to associate professor in Art;
Also, Gan Liang to associate professor in Physics, Charles R. Meitzler to associate professor in Physics, Laura B. Myers to associate professor in Criminal Justice, Dennis I. Netoff to associate professor in Geography and Geology, Nicholas C. J. Pappas to associate professor in History, and Mary E. Robbins to associate professor in Language, Literacy and Special Populations;
Also, David K. Ruch to associate professor in Mathematical and Information Sciences, Victor E. Sower to associate professor in Management and Marketing, John A. Swartz to professor in Curriculum and Instruction, Ruth A. Triplett to associate professor in Criminal Justice, Shirley H. Tucker to associate professor in General Business and Finance, and Susan L. Weeks to associate professor in Sociology.
May 3, 1996