The Sam Houston Chorale, Sam Houston State University's premier choral ensemble, will present a program Tuesday dedicated to the memory of Diana, princess of Wales.

The concert of music specifically written for choir performance is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. in the Beto Criminal Justice Center's Killinger Auditorium.

The first set of pieces, all by English composers whose writings cover a span of time from the 16th through the 20th centuries, will be presented, as well as a particularly fitting and poignant text by Christina Rosetti, set to music by Ralph Vaughan Williams.

"O Earth, lie heavily upon her eyes; seal her sweet eyes weary of watching, Earth," are the opening lines of the poem.

Additionally, the three composers whose anniversaries are being celebrated in 1997 will be represented.

Conductor Brian Miller has selected "Zum Schluss" by Johannes Brahms (1833-1897); "Die Nachtigall" by Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847), and "Lebenslust" by Franz Schubert (1797-1828).

"The concert will also include works by Viennese masters, one Italian selection and two Biblical text settings by 20th century United States composers Daniel Pinkham and Randall Thompson," said Miller.

Admission is free to students with identification and Friends of Music pass-holders. Tickets at the door are $5. For more information call 294-1360.


Eric H. Monkkonen, professor in the history department and in the School of Public Policy and Social Research at UCLA, will speak at 9:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Monday in the Beto Criminal Justice Center.

Monkkonen is the second Beto Chair lecturer for the 1997 fall semester, and will speak on the subject of community policing. Criminal justice professionals and other interested members of the community are welcome. There is no admission fee.

Monkkonen is a specialist in the history of American cities and urban problems, especially crime and poverty. He is former president of the Social Science History Association, is on the editorial boards of six journals, has written four books, published more than 30 scholarly articles, and has edited many books and journals.

Currently, his primary research project is to discover long term trends in homicide, comparing New York City, Liverpool and London, from the 18th century to the present.

Monkkonen said that the project will include an examination of the major social shifts considered to affect homicide, including the effects of mass immigration, urban growth, the Civil War, changes in weapons, demographic changes and Prohibition.

"A complete time series will allow the U. S. to be compared to other places, particularly England, in order to help increase understanding of the current wave of violence," he said.


A sellout crowd of 450 will participate in the 11th Annual Young Adult (book) Conference Saturday, Nov. 1, on the SHSU campus.

Featured speakers will be Bruce Brooks, Patty Campbell, Caroline Cooney and Mem Fox. Teri Lesesne, assistant professor of library science, is the conference coordinator.

The conference will include book exhibits, autograph sessions with authors, and two workshops, each featuring eight authors, who will speak on a number of education, literature, and library issues.


Two Sam Houston State University faculty members in the area of educational leadership will conduct a training session this week for a cadre of 30 selected consultants from across the United States and Canada.

Beverly J. Irby, associate professor and coordinator of research in the Center for Research and Doctoral Studies in Educational Leadership, and Genevieve Brown, professor and chair of the Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling, will conduct the session. It will be held at the headquarters of the National Association of Secondary School Principals in Reston, Va.

Irby and Brown have achieved national recognition for their research, publications and training in performance assessment and appraisal of leaders. They are co-authors of the book, "The Principal Portfolio," published in 1997 by Corwin Press.

All of the materials to be used in the training session, including trainer's manuals, transparencies for power point presentation, video clips and handouts have been developed by Brown and Irby. The materials are based on their research and experience in training superintendents and principals in administration evaluation.

The Administrator Appraisal Systems Institute reviews existing systems of administrator appraisal and introduces a new process based on self assessment, evaluation, reflection, re-focusing and planning, and informed practice. The program will provide training for school systems who wish to implement an administrator appraisal system that uses a portfolio approach.

The 30 trainers/consultants will be called upon after this training session to conduct at least two training sessions for the National Association of Secondary School Principals, which has 42,000 members.


SHSU students who belong to the Residence Halls Association will host their annual trick or treat observance for community children on Wednesday.

Children are asked to meet in the parking lot across from Academic Building 3, on the corner of Ave. J and 20th Street, at 6:30 p.m. RHA members in costume will escort the children around campus to various residence halls which are participating in the event. In case of rain, the event will be canceled.

The event has become one of the most popular sponsored by the RHA to give campus residents the opportunity to enjoy the Halloween season, and to give the children of Huntsville a safe atmosphere in which to do so.

For more information, contact the RHA at 294-1945 or the Department of Residence Life at 294-1818.


An exhibit of South American masks, which were not created as Halloween masks, will nevertheless open on Halloween (Friday) and run through Nov. 21 at the Walker Education Center in the Sam Houston Memorial Museum complex.

An opening reception for the exhibit, which features the collection of art Professor William J. Breitenbach, is scheduled for 6-9 p.m.

Approximately 100 masks, described as "some funny, some scary, running the gamut of emotions," will be on display.

The Walker Education Center is located at 19th Street and Ave. N. There is no admission fee.

Media Contacts: Frank Krystyniak and Phillip Rollfing

Oct. 26, 1997