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![]() News | Experts | Today@Sam | Dates | Stats | Sam the Man | History | Archives MUSIC WEEK HAS FIVE EVENTSFive musical events, culminating in the Department of Music's "Cocoa & Carols" open house, are scheduled for the week.April Morrill will present a student voice recital at 2 p.m. Sunday at the First Methodist Church. Russell Hirshfield, a pianist who has appeared this year throughout the United States and in Brazil, will perform works from three centuries in a Sunday evening recital at Sam Houston State University. Hirshfield, an assistant professor of piano at Northwestern State University in Louisiana, will perform at 7:30 p.m. in the SHSU Recital Hall. A highlight of the program is expected to be Olivier Messiaen's "Le Baiser de l'enfant-Jesus" ("The Kiss of the Child Jesus"). The selection was written in 1944. Hirshfield will open the concert with Johann Sebastian Bach's "French Suite No. 5 in G Major" (1722), followed by Johannes Brahms' "Eight Piano Pieces, Opus 76" (1878). After an intermission and the featured work, Hirshfield will close with Isaac Albeniz's "Iberia, Volume IV" (1909). Hirshfield is a graduate of the Eastman School of Music, Boston University and the University of Colorado. He has appeared in solo, chamber and concerto performances nationally and internationally. The Clarinet Choir will perform at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the Recital Hall and the Flute Choir at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, also in the Recital Hall. The Department of Music's fall semester performances conclude at 2 p.m. Thursday in the Fine Arts Building Atrium with Cocoa & Carols, a presentation of holiday music and refreshments.
PROFESSORS GET AIDS RESEARCH GRANTThe National Institute of Mental Health has awarded a $100,000 grant to two Sam Houston State University College of Criminal Justice researchers to study "AIDS Risk Behavior of Mentally Impaired Women Prisoners."James W. Marquart, professor of criminal justice, and Victoria E. Brewer, assistant professor of criminal justice, will conduct the study. Jaimie Hebert, assistant professor or math and information sciences, will serve as a consultant on the project. The two-year national study will assess the programming needs of incarcerated women with histories of mental impairment and AIDS-related high risk behavior, according to Brewer. "We plan to evaluate the needs of these women and recommend programs while they are incarcerated so that there is a reduction of AIDS risk behavior at the point of their parole," she said. The researchers will look at intervention steps in prison and continued services after the prisoners have been released.
BOHAN RETIREMENT RECEPTIONAn endowment has been established in honor of Harry J. Bohan, distinguished professor of education, and a retirement reception will be held in his honor.Bohan is retiring in December after 35 years as a teacher in Huntsville public schools and at Sam Houston State. He earned his bachelor's and master's degrees from Sam Houston State and his doctorate from the University of Michigan. Bohan is recognized nationally as an authority on the teaching of elementary and junior high mathematics. The Harry J. Bohan Endowment will provide scholarships for outstanding education students. The reception is scheduled for 3-5 p.m. Friday in the Teacher Education Center, Room 227F. Contact Marsha J. Harman at 409-294-3875 for information on the endowment and the reception.
STATE FFA LEADERSHIP EVENT AT SHSUThe State FFA Leadership Development Event will be held on the SHSU campus on Saturday (Dec. 13). More than 450 winners in each of 10 areas from throughout Texas will come to Huntsville for the competition.Contests include parliamentary procedure, FFA skills demonstrations, FFA radio broadcasting, creed speaking, public relations presentation, ag issues forum, and FFA quiz. Doug Ullrich, assistant professor of agricultural education, is chairman of the event, which originated on the SHSU campus in 1931. Agricultural education students assist in conducting the various contests and agricultural science teachers with expertise in the contest areas serve as judges.
LANE REPRESENTS AG CONSORTIUMBobby Lane, who chairs the Department of Agricultural Sciences at Sam Houston State, was in Kansas City recently to accept an award on behalf of the Agricultural Consortium of Texas.The consortium was honored by the national FFA organization "for their outstanding support as an exhibitor for 20 years in the FFA National Agricultural Career Show." The ag consortium is composed of 13 universities in Texas that offer undergraduate degrees in agriculture. Lane serves as the SHSU representative.
SHSU GRAD SCHEDULES ON-LINE CONCERTBrandon Sandefur, a 1991 SHSU graduate who is seeking his fortune as a country music singer, will perform a live concert on the Internet at 9 p.m. Friday (Dec. 13).Sandefur will appear on the On-Line Entertainment Network, which began operations Oct. 22. The company advertises "live events in real-time CD quality on a pay-per-listen basis through the consumer's computer or stereo system with virtually no waiting period." Concert details are available on the World Wide Web at: http://www.songquest.com/DBI/concert/ConSchedule.html. Sandefur, who played football at SHSU and majored in psychology, told SHSU Alumni Relations Director Kathy Bowman that he would mention SHSU sometime during the concert.
WRITING WORKSHOP IS MONDAY AND TUESDAYSpace is still available for a two-day Writing Across the Curriculum workshop scheduled for Monday and Tuesday. Attendance will be limited to 40 SHSU faculty members.Kathleen Yancey, associate professor of English at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, will present sessions on "Evaluating Student Writing: The Role of Self-Assessment and Classroom Assessment," and "Program Assessment and Faculty Teaching Portfolios." Yancey is co-editor of two 1997 books, "Assessing Writing Across the Curriculum" and "Situating Portfolios." The workshop is sponsored by the SHSU Across-the-University Writing Program and the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. Contact Patricia Williams, director of the Across-the-University Writing Program, at 409-294-1143 for more information.
-- END -- Dec 7, 1997
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