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Regents Approve
$5.8 Million in Projects
Steps toward construction, renovation, equipment, and improvement projects totaling more than $5.8 million were approved Friday by the Sam Houston State University board of regents.
Also approved was a tuition fee increase of $4 per semester credit hour, effective with the 1998 fall semester, to provide funding for faculty and staff pay increases and faculty training in the application of technology to teaching.
The board also authorized Sam Houston State to buy up to 400 computer work stations for faculty members, at a cost of approximately $560,000.
A name change was approved for the Department of Economics and Business Analysis, which becomes the Department of Economics and International Business effective in the 1998 spring semester.
The new name will add visibility to the department's degree program and more accurately reflects what the department does, according to R. Dean Lewis, dean of the College of Business Administration.
The Texas State University System Board of Regents took the actions during the board's regular quarterly meeting in Austin. Bobby K. Marks, Sam Houston president, was among administrators from six Texas universities who attended the meetings Thursday and Friday.
The largest SHSU project on which action was taken was the Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement Management Institute building, which will be built near the Beto Criminal Justice Center, and is expected to cost $2.87 million.
The Molina-Walker Architects, Inc. company of Houston was employed by the board to design the 23,000-square-foot facility.
Another major project acted upon was a $1.3 million renovation of the 308-bed White Hall, a dormitory built in 1962.
Shah, Smith & Associates, Inc. of Houston was hired to design the project, which will include major work on the electrical, plumbing and heating/air conditioning systems and modernization of bathrooms. All rooms will be provided with additional telephone and computer connections.
The board awarded a $305,995 contract to J & M Contracting Co., Inc. of Huntsville for Phase III of the Colony Apartments renovation project. Three apartment buildings containing 14 student apartments will be upgraded with paint, carpet, cabinetry, appliances fixtures and other improvements.
The Casa Bella + Barnes Partnership of Austin was employed to design a metal building for a weight training facility, with a project cost of $299,000. The 3,600- square-foot building will replace the Pritchett Field weight room, which was bought in 1982 and has since deteriorated beyond repair.
The same company was also employed to design a metal building for the Forensic Clinical Psychology program, with a project cost of $201,350. The building will be used by SHSU's newest doctoral program, and will be located near the art program complex on the southern edge of the campus.
Prime Contractors, Inc., of Houston was awarded a contract for two projects totaling $257,150, for 110 fixed seats to be installed in the University Theatre Center Showcase Theatre and 124 seats for the Academic Building III Dance Theatre.
The board also formally accepted 10 gifts to SHSU totaling $183,506.45, and elected new officers. Craig Vittitoe of Harlingen was elected chair, and Pollyanna Stephens of San Angelo vice chair.
-- END --
Media Contact: Frank Krystyniak
Dec.5, 1997
This page maintained by SHSU's Office of Public Relations
Director: Frank Krystyniak
Media Relations Specialist: Phillip Rollfing
Located in the SHSU University Advancement Building
Telephone: (409) 294-1836; Fax: (409) 294-1834
