Dion McInnis, executive director of university relations and development at Sam Houston State University, announced Friday that he has accepted a position at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque.

"I've enjoyed working with and for the members of the Huntsville and university communities," McInnis said. "I appreciate the support that my family and I have received here and look forward to the continuation of many friendships."

President Bobby. K. Marks accepted McInnis' resignation, effective June 30.

"Mr. McInnis has taken the activities in his division to a higher level of performance and professionalism, and we appreciate the fine work that he has performed for Sam Houston State University," said Marks.

McInnis will be leading comprehensive fund-raising programs for UNM's School of Engineering, which had research expenditures of approximately $40 million by its departments and research divisions in 1995-'96.

"Everyone here at the School of Engineering is delighted that Dion is joining us," said Paul Fleury, dean of the school. "His experience both at the University of Houston and Sam Houston State University convinced us that he is really a find for us, and he will fill a critical need. We are both sympathetic to your loss and pleased with our gain."

McInnis was the director of engineering external relations at the University of Houston before coming to SHSU. During his three years at SHSU, fund raising increased by more than 50 percent and many volunteer programs were developed in the colleges and units.

Many other infrastructure and procedural changes were also made to better position the university for its future development plans.

Marks said that a search committee to select a replacement for McInnis will be formed in the near future.


Media Contact: Frank Krystyniak

May 9, 1997