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New Mental Health Center
To Serve Community

By Joyce Hancock/The Huntsville Item

The Psychological Services Center, which will provide the community with mental health services, opened in Huntsville on Tuesday.

According to clinic director Mary Alice Conroy, it will cater to the public, the courts, attorneys and the criminal justice system.

Although the new building is located on the campus of Sam Houston State University, the school has its own counseling center for students. The Psychological Services Center will be aimed at others in the community.

"Psychological services this far north of Houston are quite limited. There is a large underserved population," said Conroy. "We provide services on a sliding scale based on the number of family members and family income."

The center is especially important, she said, for people who don't have the ability to pay.

Services offered include sanity evaluations and sex offender evaluations for the courts. Sex therapy and other sessions are available for individuals or groups. Appointments can be made for children or adults.

"We are getting a lot of community response," said Conroy about several recent phone calls coming in from doctors, private practitioners and others. "They were all wanting to know when we're going to be open."

The business had been in the planning stages since 1997, when the university gained approval from the State Higher Education Coordinating Board for a doctoral program in Forensic Clinical Psychology.

Students at the post-master's level are in practice there.

"It will provide to the public while at the same time giving doctoral students the opportunity to get experience under supervision of faculty," said Conroy.

The center is setting up appointments at this time. Call 409-294-1210.

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SHSU Media Contact: Frank Krystyniak
September 9, 1999
Please send comments, corrections, news tips to Today@Sam.edu

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