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Hensley Wins Faculty Centennial Scholarship

Krista Hensley, second from left, has been presented the Faculty Centennial Scholarship for 1999-2000 at Sam Houston State University. Making the presentation at a recent meeting of the Faculty Senate were, from left, Jeff Harwell, Faculty Senate chair; Bobby K. Marks, SHSU president, and Laverne Warner, representing the selection committee. Hensley, a junior health education major from Duncanville, had high recommendations from professors, a strong academic record, volunteered at Huntsville Memorial Hospital, assisted faculty in HIV/AIDS research, participated on the volleyball team and coached a girls' volleyball team.

Harwell Appreciated
Jeff Harwell, outgoing chair of the Faculty Senate, received an appreciation plaque at the group's final meeting for the 1999 spring semester from Bobby K. Marks, SHSU president. Harwell led the Senate effort to revise senior finals and graduation schedules, in the revival of the President's Forum, and was active in the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools re-accreditation process.

Faculty Senators Honored

Outgoing members of the Faculty Senate were presented plaques recently at the final meeting of the group for the 1999 spring semester. Bobby K. Marks, right, SHSU president, presented plaques to, from left, Valerie Muehsam, Billy Mac Moore, Judy De Trude, Jaimie Hebert, Gerald Kohers, Barbara Corbin, Darryl Patrick, Bill Fleming and Douglas Krienke. Also completing their terms but not pictured are Joan Hudson and Laura Myers. Fleming will serve as the group's chair in 1999-2000 and Muehsam as chair-elect.

SHSU Media Contact: Frank Krystyniak
May 3, 1999
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