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SHSU Fares Well
In Crime Comparisons

Since 1992, all colleges have been required by federal law to compile annual statistics about crime on their campuses and to provide it to their students and staff members. Sam Houston State University fared well in a recent comparison of those figures.

Statistics were taken from the June 9 issue of The Chronicle of Higher Education.

The Chronicle reported that nationally alcohol arrests rose 24.3 percent in 1998, the largest increase in seven years, and arrests for drug law violations increased 11.1 percent, their largest increase in three years.

"Some health researchers say that the increases reflect their findings that alcohol and drug use on college campuses has risen in recent years," according to the Chronicle article. "Campus police officials, as they have for years, insist that the increases result mainly from tougher enforcement of alcohol and drug laws."

SHSU reported decreases from the previous year in every category but motor vehicle thefts.

For 1998 Sam Houston State University, with an enrollment of about 12,000, reported no forcible or nonforcible sex offenses or aggravated assaults, arson or hate crimes. Reported incidents included one robbery, one burglary, five motor vehicle thefts, two liquor-law violations, nine drug violations, and one weapons violation.

For 1998 Stephen F. Austin, also with an enrollment of about 12,000, reported no nonforcible sex offenses, robberies, arson or hate crimes and two forcible sex offenses, three aggravated assaults, 56 burglaries, five motor vehicle thefts, 61 liquor law violations, 25 drug violations and two weapons violations.

For 1998 Southwest Texas State, with an enrollment of about 21,000, reported no nonforcible sex offenses, robberies or weapons incidents, and five forcible sex offenses, 10 aggravated assaults, 67 burglaries, two motor vehicle thefts, six arsons, one hate crime, 181 liquor law violations and 76 drug violations.

According to the Chronicle article, the University of California at Berkeley ranked first in drug arrests, second in weapons arrests, and fifth in alcohol arrests. Michigan State led in weapons arrests and was second in alcohol arrests.

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SHSU Media Contact: Frank Krystyniak
July 6, 2000
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