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Victim Studies Director
Says Terrorist Acts Will Affect All

James Marquart
James Marquart

Anyone who was alive when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated remembers where he or she was when they heard the news. The same will be true of the Sept. 11 World Trade Center and Pentagon terrorist attacks.

While the killed and injured are the primary victims of the attacks, we are all victims in that our lives are changed forever. How these events will change our lives is not known, according to James Marquart, director of the National Institute for Victim Studies at Sam Houston State University.

Marquart called for more research and training on how to cope with "horrific events such as the ones which occurred in New York and Washington, D. C."

"Of particular concern is the traumatic impact both short and long term on children," said Marquart. "Clearly we need more research in this area."

Not much is known about the impact of catastrophic trauma on all aspects of society, he said, comparing such events to fallout from a nuclear blast.

"There will be thousands of Americans dead, thousands more with permanent physical and psychological injuries and millions with emotional distress and damage in varying degrees," he said.

Marquart promised that the National Institute for Victim Studies at Sam Houston State University and other research institutions will seek answers to many of the questions being raised.

"Each and every American was deeply saddened and felt personal grief by this cowardly act of terror," he said. "We must become more prepared to assist the victims, all Americans, to cope with these events and any that should occur in the future."

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SHSU Media Contact: Frank Krystyniak
Sept. 20, 2001
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