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Legacy Newsletter
Has Alumni News

If you don't have your copy of the Sam Houston State University Office of Alumni Relations Legacy newsletter, your membership in the Alumni Association may have expired.

No problem. Kevin Hayes, recently named director of alumni relations, promises to get you one in the mail as soon as you re-up, and add your name to the list for all the future issues, expected to run 3-4 per year.

The Summer 2001 edition of the Legacy includes a summary of the accomplishments of Bobby K. Marks, who retires as president Aug. 31. The next issue will include an introduction to James F. Gaertner, who will succeed Marks.

The publication's planned format each issue will include a feature story, an article from various academic/university areas, class notes, a special article on an alumna/us, alumni association updates, and event photographs.

"My primary focus for the Alumni Association is membership development," Hayes said. "The Legacy has been added as a benefit of membership, with the goal of 'in touch always.'"

The publication will keep alumni in touch with the university and other alumni, Hayes said, and serve as a vehicle for fundraising. Messages in the first issue were written by Nancy Wilson, president of the Alumni Advisory Board, Gary Bouse, vice president for university advancement, Bobby Williams, athletic director, and Hayes.

For membership information contact the Office of Alumni Relations or phone 936.294.1841, 1.800.283.7478.

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SHSU Media Contact: Frank Krystyniak
July 3, 2001
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Communications Coordinator: Julia May
Located in the SHSU University Advancement Building
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