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Mexican Field School Offers
Cool Climate and Historic City

Mexican Field School Group
There's still time to join this "cool" group of SHSU students in cool and historic Puebla, Mexico, this summer. Courses will be offered in education, business, and arts and sciences May 30 through June 26.

June promises to be a very cool month for a number of Sam Houston State University faculty and students. They will participate in the field school that SHSU offers every summer in Puebla, Mexico.

Puebla, located on a high plateau, with a spectacular view of four volcanoes, has average temperatures in the lower 70's in the summer. With a week to go before the registration deadline, 40 students have signed up to take advantage of this unique program.

Courses are being offered in the Colleges of Education, Business and Arts and Sciences with departure on May 30 and return June 26.

The Department of Agriculture is offering Range Management and International Agriculture, taught by Pat Bagley. Darla Lang will teach an economics course on International Trade Issues and a course on International Finance.

The art department is offering three courses: Beginning and Advanced Drawing, taught by Denise Lorenz and Photography, taught by Tony Shipp. Kay Raymond will teach Advanced Conversational Spanish as well as the Mexican Short Story, and Frieda Koeninger will teach Intermediate Spanish I.

"About half of the students have chosen to stay with families," said Koeninger, who is also the program director.

The host families are arranged through the Universidad Iberoamericana. The rest of the students and the professors will stay at the Hotel Palacio de San Leonardo, in downtown Puebla.

The SHSU Puebla Field School will use the classrooms as well as computer labs and other facilities at the Universidad Iberoamericana, through an agreement between the two universities.

"Besides attending class, students will go on a number of field trips. In Mexico City, they will visit the Mexican stock exchange, the National Museum of Anthropology, Chapultepec park as well as the Templo Mayor and the Frida Kahlo museum," said Koeninger.

There are several Pre-Colombian archeological sites near Puebla that students enjoy. Agriculture students will travel to several experimental farms, one near Mexico City and the others in the state of Veracruz.

Puebla, famous for its striking blue and white tiled buildings, has many museums that will enhance this learning experience.

Also Sam Houston students have opportunities to socialize with young people in Mexico, through the hospitality of Sam Houston alumni Lourdes Casillas and Gerardo Ruiz, and because of arrangements made through the International Office at the Universidad Iberoamericana.

The deadline to sign up is April 30. For more information, contact Koeninger at 936.294.1443.

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SHSU Media Contact: Frank Krystyniak
April 22, 2002
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