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Regents Approve Tenure, Promotions

Academic rank promotions for 19 Sam Houston State University faculty members and tenure for 14 were approved Friday by the university's board of regents in a regular quarterly meeting in Alpine.

Those promoted, their new ranks, and their areas of affiliation include:

James B. Bexley, associate professor, general business and finance; Robert T. Cashion, associate professor, history; Thomas G. Casteen, professor, chemistry; Theodore B. Creighton, professor, educational leadership and counseling; Furjen Deng, professor, sociology; John F. Edens, associate professor, psychology.

Also, Barry A. Friedman, professor, physics; S. Helena Halmari, associate professor, English and foreign languages; Kristina S. Hanssen, professor, theatre and dance; Michele R. Hewlett-Gomez, professor, language, literacy and special populations; Mark R. Leipnik, associate professor, geography and geology; Gan Liang, professor, physics; Sanjay S. Mehta, associate professor, management and marketing.

Also, Valerie P. Muehsam, associate professor, economics and international business; Laura B. Myers, professor, criminal justice; Scott B. Plugge, associate professor, music; Mary E. Robbins, professor, language, literacy and special populations; Douglas R. Ulrich, Jr., associate professor, agricultural sciences, and Robert C. Williams, associate professor, curriculum and instruction.

Those granted tenure, their ranks, and their areas of affiliation include:

Milo D. Berg Jr., assistant professor, economics and international business; Robert T. Cashion, assistant professor, history; Judith A. DeTrude, associate professor, educational leadership and counseling; John F. Edens, assistant professor, psychology; Ben M. Gillespie, associate professor, geography and geology; Mark R. Leipnik, assistant professor, geography and geology; Sanjay S. Mehta, assistant professor, management and marketing.

Also, Linda S. Meyer, assistant professor, library; Joe E. Muller, assistant professor, agricultural sciences; Debra P. Price, associate professor, language, literacy and special populations; Kandi A. Tayebi, assistant professor, English and foreign languages; Douglas R. Ullrich Jr., assistant professor, agricultural sciences; Jianzhong Wang, associate professor, mathematics, computer science and statistics; and Robert C. Williams, assistant professor, curriculum and instruction.

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SHSU Media Contact: Frank Krystyniak
Aug. 30, 2002
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