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Local Youth Program Needs Help from SHSU

Local leaders would love Huntsville's youth to learn assets needed to become successful young adults. Faculty, staff and students of Sam Houston State University can help make that happen.

As a continuation of the "Vision to Action Plan" sponsored by the City of Huntsville and Huntsville's Promise, six committees have been formed to expand the shared vision to better impact the lives of Huntsville's youth by providing entertaining and educational opportunities.

Individuals of all ages are asked to participate in as many committees as desired. Initiative leaders are hoping for a number of volunteers from SHSU.

Each committee will plan and execute methods of education and implementation of the developmental assets framework. In February during the Vision to Action conference, the community bonded together and explored some of the chronic problems in Huntsville.

By identifying these problems and laying out specific plans to correct them, the community set goals aimed at helping local children. Twelve committees were identified to serve as a necessary and efficient means of addressing asset development. Due to overlapping target audiences, the number was reduced to six.

Each committee meeting will be held at City Hall (located at Ave. M and 13th St.). The first committee meetings, dates, and times are as follows:

Individuals are also needed to meet at least twice a month and serve as the chairperson for a committee. These people will be responsible for helping guide the committee in its decisions as to meeting frequency, goals and programs to be explored, and developing community involvement.

In addition to the individual committee meetings (once a month minimum), the chairpersons of all committees will attend a monthly planning and coordination meeting with the Huntsville's Promise administration.

Kacey Krystyniak, executive director of Huntsville's Promise, said the types of activities each committee is to conduct will be discussed at the first meetings. She said that chairpersons are required to give approximately 10-20 hours per month of his or her time and regular committee members about two or three hours per month.

For more information, you can contact Huntsville's Promise.at (936) 291-5950.

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SHSU Media Contact: Brandon Autrey
July 3, 2002
Please send comments, corrections, news tips to Today@Sam.edu

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Director: Frank Krystyniak
Communications Coordinator: Julia May
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