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Ceramics on Display at Gresham Library

Pottery on display created by Matt Wilt, assistant professor of ceramics, left, and Patrick Houston, visiting artist.

Being isolated from the central area of the Sam Houston State campus makes it difficult sometimes for the art department to show off its latest work.

Thanks to the Newton Gresham Library, the department now has an outlet to reach the university population. Work of ceramic students and faculty, along with that of visiting artists can now be viewed at a display on the main floor of the library until June 3.

Ceramic Work
Work submitted by James Tisdale, visiting artist

Melody Ellis, an employee at the library who helped set up the display, said the purpose is to open the eyes of potential students and the community.

"We want mainly to let the students see what's going on over there in the art department," said Ellis. "We want to bring to students examples of work that they would be doing if they took ceramic classes as well as letting the community see the fruits of their labor."

The collection includes various types of ceramic work including kilns, pottery, wheel throwing, hand building, and others. Sam Houston State students created most items on display. Matt Wilt, associate professor of ceramics, and several visiting artists including James Tisdale, Patrick Houston and Mark Tomczak, submitted the other art.

The Clay Club of Sam Houston State sponsors a biannual pottery sale to fund student scholarships to an annual national ceramic conference and to bring in visiting artists each semester. The artists demonstrate their techniques, critique with the students, present a free public lecture, and donate an artwork to the university.

The ceramics department offers courses for beginning and advanced students covering hand building, wheel throwing, mold making, kiln building, and other technical and historical studies.

For more on the Sam Houston State ceramics department, see Ceramics Information

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SHSU Media Contact: Brandon Autrey
May 17, 2002
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