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University Adopts Official Stationery


The President's Cabinet has approved a new official stationery for Sam Houston State University.

"In order to build a consistent identity with all of our constituents for Sam Houston State University, we have been working on a program of official university stationery standardization," said James F. Gaertner, president of the university. "The final design was approved by the President's Cabinet in late June and is now moving into the implementation stages."

The cabinet chose a traditional design which incorporates the use of the Sam Houston State University seal as a watermark image on the letterhead pieces and the SH logo in the official Bearkat orange color on a high quality white paper. Layouts have been established for all standard pieces including, letterhead, envelopes and business cards.

"This will certainly be a phase-in process," commented Paula Vernick, assistant to the president for special projects. "We are asking everyone to use up their current supplies of business stationery and cards knowing that the next time they place their orders, they will be printed in the new design format.

"In addition," Vernick continued, "offices like Alumni Relations and grant funded institutes and centers are typically allowed flexibility with their letterheads, so we will work with them on a case by case basis."

According to Vernick, Sam Houston Press is available to assist with the implementation of the process so that the initiative will be simple for everyone. Orders can be placed as before by providing the basic information---name, title, department, office, address, phone, fax, email, and web address.

The President's Office also encourages everyone to consider a "friendly" version of email and web addresses, avoiding the use of tildes (~) or underscores (_) in print.

Web addresses can be easily redirected, according to Vernick.

"If a web address is currently, just email the help desk and give them a clean, easy to read and memorable alias," she said.

"For example, this one could be simplified to:," she explained. The same can be done with email addresses. Go to Sam Info, Computer Accounts, and request an Email Alias Request at

"This initiative is an important step we are taking internally to present a consistent image externally," commented President Gaertner. "I just ordered my new business cards today."

For additional information about stationery orders contact the Sam Houston Press, ext. 4-1856.

- END -

SHSU Media Contact: Julia May
July 11, 2002
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