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Poker Walk Proves Successful Again

Carlow's Card Sharks
Carlow's Cardsharks from the SHSU Business Office won the High Roller Challenge.

The campus Poker Walk is turning out to be a very popular program with students, faculty and staff.

Aproximately 250 individuals turned out for Poker Walk 2, held March 27. "We had a great turnout," said Amy Swingle of Recreational Sports. "Once again, we had more than we had prepared for," which is what happened the first time the department sponsored the event last semester. "I guess we'll have to plan for even more (next time)!" said Swingle enthusiastically.

Poker Walk 2 was originally scheduled for Feb. 27, but had to be postponed because of an unusual winter blast that blew through Huntsville that week. However, on March 27, the weather could not have been more perfect for walkers.

Prizes were offered in several categories. Winners included Carlow's Cardsharks of the SHSU Business Office, who won the High Roller Challenge for the most enthusiasm and energy displayed by a university office. Team members are Charles Carlow, Anne Heartfield, Sarah Woods, Donna Slott and Pam Byrd.

The Maverick Award for the best hand in an SHSU department went to Teri Neiderhiser of the Criminal justice Chain Gang Team.

The Top 3 Overall Winners were Amber Leathers, Shelly Smith and Matt Clements. Each received a prize from Barnes & Noble University Bookstore.

Along with Recreational Sports, several other university departments sponsored casinos along the course. They included Barnes & Noble University Bookstore, the Counseling Center, Student Activities, and the Program Council.

Poker Walk Finish Line
Participants gathered at the finish line to see how their poker hands turned out.

- END -

SHSU Media Contact: Julia May
April 1, 2002
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