President James
F. Gaertner |
Speech by James F. Gaertner on February 21, 2002, at his
investiture as the 12th president of Sam Houston State University.
Regents' Chairman Flores, members
of the Texas State University System Board of Regents, Congressman
Turner, former Regent Monday, President Emeritus Marks, Chancellor
Urbanovsky, The Texas State University System Presidents,
and other distinguished members of the Platform Party; distinguished
faculty, staff, students, alumni, friends, family, and honored
guests: thank you all so very much for being here today.
On this very special day, I hope you will indulge me in a
few minutes of "personal privilege" to tell several people
in the audience how much they have meant to me in my life.
I know that my family has been introduced, but I want to tell
them all how very special they are to me.
First, of course, is my wife, life partner, and best friend,
Nancy, whom I re-met and "captured" here at Sam Houston, and
who has been such a great and supportive partner in every
possible way over the years. All of our family is here today
except our youngest grandson, Scott and Wendy's three month
old son Riley James. He decided that he would rather stay
home and take a nap than join us today. (Good for him!!!)
There are so many people in the audience, and on the stage,
who have been instrumental in my life; however, I would like
to specifically mention four special friends for their friendship
and guidance through the years.
First, Britt Jenkins. Britt's mother and my mother were
friends in Yoakum Texas before we were born. So we have been
friends for longer than either of us can remember. Britt is
the President of Tandy Brands Accessories, and because of
my association with the company, we are now business colleagues,
as well as life-long friends.
Britt has been a loyal friend, and a role model for me in
many ways, for my entire life.
Next, Ken Milani, a colleague at Notre Dame is here today
representing Notre Dame, with his wife Joan. Ken mentored
me; and, he, Joan and their family were great friends to our
family, in our early and slightly intimidating days at Notre
My dissertation chair and long-time friend from Texas A&M,
Kerry Cooper, is here today with his wife Maryvonne. As an
untenured Assistant Professor, Kerry bravely escorted me through
a complex dissertation experience at A&M.
Britt, Ken and Kerry have been friends that I call on for
advice often, because of their judgment and their ethical
approach to decision making.
Finally, I want to mention James Gilmore. I was a student
about 40 years ago in a very rigorous business finance class
that James taught on the third floor of what is now the Bobby
K. Marks Administration Building. And although the field of
business finance has changed dramatically over that time,
the essence of Dr. Gilmore has not.
He is still the principled, dependable gentleman, and mentor
to me at present, that he was then. To my absolute delight,
James agreed to chair the Investiture Committee that put this
grand and complex program together.
I have been humbled and honored by the tremendous amount
of work that the Investiture Committee has devoted to this
special day. You have my deepest appreciation; and I fully
realize that it is an expression of the love and devotion
that so many people feel for Sam Houston State University.
Nancy and I both hope the entire university community, our
distinguished faculty, and all others, will accept heartfelt
thanks for the reception you have given us in this first six
months here. You have made the transition a wonderful experience.
I would like to take a moment to give special recognition
to the staff that are here today. They are so often the forgotten
stakeholders who literally make the wheels of the university
run. I have been blessed with great staff support here and
throughout my administrative career. A deep-felt thanks to
all of the staff people present for all of your invaluable
work. You are appreciated!!!
Thanks also for the attendance today of the representatives
from colleges and universities from across the nation. You
truly honor us with your presence, and add greatly to the
ceremony of this occasion.
We are brought together today, not as much to celebrate
any one individual, but rather this event gives us all the
opportunity to celebrate our wonderful university.... And
to look to the promise of the future, and the great potential
of Sam Houston State.
The past six months have been a homecoming for me in many
ways, and I am truly filled with enthusiasm. In that regard,
I cannot help but be reminded of what Clark Kerr said to a
University of California assembly to announce that he had
been fired from his position as President of that institution.
He told the audience that he was leaving the job in exactly
the same way he began it ---- fired with enthusiasm. I am
here to announce that I, too, am fired with enthusiasm, in
the more positive interpretation of that phrase.
I know some of you have heard me say this, but the office
where I work is exactly the same room where I taught my first
college class. The year was 1964, I was a senior, and worked
as a stock-clerk in the campus bookstore. Dr. Jean Neal, who
was then the director of business administration, came through
the bookstore. I had just completed Dr. Neal's statistics
course and, in an early personal effort at upward mobility,
(and hoping that he would remember me), I decided to ask him
if there was any sort of job I might do in the department
of business. He essentially hired me on the spot as his teaching
assistant, and in a few days I found myself teaching a business
statistics lab in the exact room that has since been renovated
and is now my office as president of the university. Just
outside the door in a small room that is now a part of the
president's conference room was the shared office of two young
assistant professors --- Bob Marks and James Gilmore. So I
am very fortunate to have been able to begin my career and
to close it, not only at the university that I love, but in
exactly the same location.
I would at this time like to especially thank the Regents
for giving me the privilege to serve as the 12th President
of Sam Houston State University. What an honor it is to serve
as the President of the third oldest state-supported university
in Texas.
We are indeed a great university, named after a great man
who did not know the meaning of the word "quit." A man whose
victory at San Jacinto in 1836 made possible the dream of
an independent nation.
We are now in our 122nd year, so history ... heritage ...
tradition - these are all important words for us at Sam Houston
.... And we will always celebrate that history.
Our university entered this year with a record 12,997 students.
We offer 80 different baccalaurate degrees, there are 57 masters,
and 3 (soon to be 4) doctoral programs available here.
All of our programs are strong, and some are extraordinary.
And that is largely because our outstanding faculty has grown
in both numbers and reputation. Intellectual inquiry and scholarship
will be strongly encouraged to grow in importance in the future,
but our faculty now first and foremost teach our students.
We honor outstanding teaching here. It is our heritage. And
direct contact between the student and teacher is the hallmark
of a Sam Houston State University educational experience.
At Sam Houston State University, it is absolutely true to
say that students and faculty get to know each other. Student
surveys confirm this strength. Additionally, you see it on
campus. Our faculty members are accessible, they encourage
that access. Very few universities of this size can say such
a thing and really mean it.
The end result of this is that Sam Houston State today attracts
the best and brightest students in its history. For that we
can thank my predecessors, especially Dr. Bobby Marks. Dr.
Marks has for many years truly been the core of strength of
Sam Houston. And I am fortunate, indeed blessed, to come into
such a wonderful situation.
We can celebrate our history, and we can take pride in our
present.... But what of the years ahead? And what should you
expect of me?
Here is what I will tell you: Yes, we should celebrate our
history, and yes, we should take pride in the present, but
we must live in the future. We can't afford to stand still,
we can't afford to declare victory. We at Sam Houston State
must renew ourselves, we must keep getting better ...all across
the board.... And that is my goal.
For Sam Houston this "renewal" is more than about growing
and adapting..... It means making critical choices about the
paths we will follow, being selective as well as aggressive.
It means not sticking with something that clearly has run
its course, just because "we have always done it that way".
The challenge that I feel every day, and one that I hope
our university will embrace --- is to be engaged.
Let me quote Dr. Stephen Weber, current president of San
Diego State University and incoming Chair of the American
Association of State Colleges and Universities on the engaged
university: " to be a great university", he said, "is not
to be an ivory tower perched on a distant hill ... it is to
be an involved and engaged partner in the work of life itself....
A work which makes us better teachers, better scholars, and
I think, better human beings."
Sam Houston State University is going to be engaged.....
engaged with all of our stakeholders, and engaged with our
nation and with the world. We can't be successful --- we can't
be significantly better --- by walling ourselves into a comfortable
niche here in the beautiful piney woods. Globalization is
a reality, made possible largely by the explosion of many
different technologies. We have to be full citizens of the
global community, both to have an impact, and to gain access
to the knowledge that is out there.
When I met with the Selection Committee and later with the
Board of Regents last summer, I came to those meetings with
some opinions developed, not only through my own life experiences
and academic career, but also as a Sam Houston alumnus who
had great pride in the university; and a strong sense of where
it might be able to go.
At that time I said that I believed the three most important
areas of focus should be:
One: academics come first!!! This means continuing the process
of faculty development and of upgrading academic standards.
This means strengthening and expanding our outstanding faculty
to embrace new areas of learning. It means thinking carefully
about not only our academic standards, but what we teach,
and how we teach it....... recognizing that any curriculum,
course of study, or pedagogy can be improved.
Two: increase the university's visibility, and improve our
image so that both current and future faculty, students and
supporters will more easily identify with Sam Houston State....
And want to be a part of it.
And, three: provide added focus to the university and community
atmosphere and culture.... The spirit....the diversity...
the physical campus itself.... All of which make our university
such a special place.
After I was named President, my first address to the campus
community was September 18 --- exactly one week after the
terror attacks first shook our nation and then strengthened
our unity and resolve.
As might be expected, the campus community wanted a straight-forward
explanation of goals and actions, and at that address I outlined
those same three focal points.
I promised that we were not going to lose time in pursuing
those objectives, and I can tell you that no freshman ever
had a busier, or more enjoyable, first semester than I had
last fall.
In keeping with my pledges made last summer and fall, let
me mention a few of the things that are presently under way.
The preliminary planning and hiring has begun to launch
a major capital campaign for Sam Houston State.... A big part
of which will go to faculty enrichment. (We must be certain
that our annual fund is in good shape before we launch this
very ambitious initiative; (smile) and I urge all of you to
consider making a significant contribution to that annual
fund drive.)
We are moving to build badly-needed new student housing....
We hope to have the requests for proposals ready for Regents'
consideration in May.... If all is in order, and subsequently
approved, new student housing should be ready about 18 months
from now - in the fall of 2003.
We very much appreciate the fact that, at their October
meeting, the Regents approved the construction of 750 additional
parking spaces on campus. These additional spaces will be
ready before the end of this academic year.
A President's Circle is being created--- pulling together
a small group of influential alumni and friends of the University.
The founding core group of that Circle held its first meeting
on January 19. We plan to bring the President's Circle to
campus twice a year.... Not only will they be valuable advisors,
but as they learn more about the quality that they will see
first hand, they are going to help us get the word out about
Sam Houston State, and gain additional support for the university.
Through the generosity of Mrs. Lou Ellen Gibbs, just this
past month, we have achieved funding for a promised Presidential
Speakers Series --- a series that will bring enrichment to
our campus, and wider recognition for the university.... Gene
Stallings was our first speaker ---- to an overflow crowd
in the Criminal Justice Center auditorium --- just two weeks
ago. To those who were fortunate enough to be there, I'm sure
you will agree that he delivered a truly unforgettable message.
Recently we entered into a short term agreement with an
outstanding public relations firm in a greatly increased effort
to achieve higher public visibility for this university and
the quality it represents. Telling the story of Sam Houston
State University will help us gain support, and recruit strong
students and faculty. We expect that you will soon see tangible
evidence of this endeavor.
I will be out a lot this spring.... There are four planned
regional meetings with our Texas alumni. (The first one is
scheduled for two weeks from today.) We are going to work
very hard to connect meaningfully with our alumni. I have
also had several meetings with key people and foundation executives
in Houston, taking to them the message of our university.
In early fall we introduced a program of both formal meeting
with various campus groups, and smaller informal breakfast
meetings with faculty and staff .... to hear ideas and answer
questions ... and to further refine and develop our plans
for the future.
We have charged the Faculty Senate to study both teaching
loads and professional student advising. These are very important
issues that are tied directly to recruiting and retaining
top quality faculty.
And let me also mention this: over the past ten years our
African American student population has increased by 36% and
our Hispanic student population by 63%. Yet the number of
our minority faculty has remained relatively unchanged.
As I emphasized to our academic leadership at a recent retreat,
it is vital that Sam Houston, not only provide a welcoming
atmosphere for minority students, but also provide these students
with academic role models. In keeping not only with Closing-the-Gaps,
but with our moral obligation, we must continue to attract
increasing numbers of minority students, but we must do a
better job of attracting outstanding minority faculty and
So..... during the time that I am fortunate enough to be
President of this university, we are not going to ever "declare
victory." We are going to celebrate our history ... and we
will take pride in the present accomplishments of our university,
but I'm telling you the best part is living in ---- and for
--- the future.
When Dr. Lawrence Summers was installed as President of
Harvard University last October, he said: "When the history
of this time is written, it will be a history of ideas ---
and of the educated women and men whose intellect, imagination,
and humanity brought them forth and carried them to fruition....
It will, in large part, be a history of what has come forth
from our......university (campuses)."
It is honestly up to all of us who are associated with Sam
Houston State, and who care about this wonderful university,
to further develop and refine our vision.... And then to make
it happen.
Today, Sam Houston State University is much like a huge
old East Texas oak tree. The roots of our history run deep
and give us continuity and stability. And the branches of
Sam Houston State grow taller and taller, and their reach
is wider and wider.... Renewing that growth every year, just
as we are celebrating a renewal today. These branches are
always reaching out to students, faculty, alumni, friends,
to the region, and to the world.
It is our purpose ---- together ---- to ensure that this
wonderful university continues to build on its strong foundation
... and never, never stops reaching.
- END -
SHSU Media Contact: Frank
Feb. 22, 2002
Please send comments, corrections, news tips to Today@Sam.