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President Appoints Interim Staff Council

SHSU President James Gaertner has appointed 10 employees to serve as members of an interim staff council to draft a constitution and by-laws for a permanent council.

Members of the interim staff council include: Mark Adams, assistant director, computer services; Donna Artho, administrative budget manager, student services; James Gibson, students' legal adviser; Dianne Key, senior assistant to the vice president, academic affairs; Patricia Mabry, director, student financial aid; John McCroskey, facility engineer, physical plant; Pamela McManus, interim director, counseling center; Edgar Smith, assistant director, administrative accounting; James Van Roekel, director, academic instructional technology and distance learning; and Susan White, senior assistant to the dean, college of education and applied science.

"In my judgment, a staff council will provide the professional staff at SHSU with a formal mechanism to bring items of concern to the president," said Gaertner.

"It will be advisory to the president, and not a policy making body," he said.

Similar councils serve at several other peer schools in Texas and a number of universities across the nation.

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SHSU Media Contact: Julia May
Sept. 3, 2002
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