Alumni Relations Hires Assistant Director
Leah Winfield
Sam Houston State alumna Leah Winfield began work
as the first assistant director for Alumni Relations on July 16.
"We're very excited to have Leah as part of the Alumni Relations team," said
Kevin Hayes, director of Alumni Relations. "Understanding that a strong Alumni
Association is vital to any university, I feel her energy level and experience,
as well as being a Sam graduate, will help the Alumni Association grow with
the ultimate goal of benefiting SHSU."
A Crockett native, Winfield, received both her bachelor's degree in psychology
in 2000 and her master's degree in counseling in 2003 from SHSU.
While working to obtain her graduate degree, Winfield worked for Career Services
as a career counselor and was in charge of the MonsterTRAK system.
"I would go out and recruit companies to come in and hire our seniors. Once
I recruited the companies, we would get their information and the jobs they
were posting for online," she said. "Then we would go out and actually recruit
the students to come and apply for the jobs, and we would hold the interviews
at our office. That was a lot of marketing, selling our program and our university
to these employers."
During this time, Winfield found that she enjoyed the public relations aspect
of her job much more.
"I knew that I was going to go ahead and finish my degree, but I wanted to
get into something that was PR and out in the community and with the students," she
said. "That's what I really liked, and I felt like I excelled at that job."
Previously, she has also interned at a pain management clinic in Cleveland,
Texas, as a pain management therapist, and is currently the membership coordinator
of Chi Sigma Iota, SHSU's counseling honor society.
As assistant director, Winfield will maintain the alumni Web site, help to
promote current events and create new programs to benefit the university.
"Mostly it's a lot of marketing our program," she said. "What we are really
focusing on is getting our Web site up-to-date, keeping it current and making
sure that if somebody wants to check out something that's going on, or maybe
the people who are distinguished alums, all of that information will be easily
Winfield said she feels fortunate to be selected for the job.
"I'm very, very excited about having this position," Winfield said. "I feel
with the economy the way that it is and so many people having trouble finding
jobs, I feel blessed to get this position, and I feel that it's going to be
such a learning experience for me.
"I have always wanted to be a part of Sam Houston," she said. "I live here,
my home is here and so I think it's very important to be a part of the community."
The assistant director position was created as part of vice president for
University Advancement Frank Holmes' plan to increase staff for the upcoming
capital campaign, according to Hayes.
"More importantly, this position will play a vital role in increasing membership,
disseminating alumni news, maintaining a fresh and enthusiastic Web site, and
to oversee marketing to our membership," he said.
A committee comprised of Alumni Association board members and University
Advancement staff selected Winfield for the position.
"Fortunate to have several qualified candidates, Leah emerged as the individual
we felt was a good fit for our organization," Hayes said. "Plus, with her undergrad
and graduate degrees from Sam, it's great to have a fellow Bearkat that bleeds
orange in our office."
- END -
SHSU Media Contact: Jennifer Gauntt
July 18, 2003
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