Update For Week Of Sept. 26
Speakers To Discuss Integration For Grassroots Series
Three individuals who were a part of public school integration
will tell their stories at the first Grassroots Speaker Series
program of the semester on Wednesday (Sept. 29), from 5-6
p.m. in the Olson Auditorium.
The roundtable conversation will include Joreen Waddell,
a registered nurse who was one of the original students chosen
to integrate Huntsville High School; Herma Owens Johnson,
taught in the segregated system; and Wendell Baker, Sr.,
who was active in the campaign to integrate SHSU.
These individuals are wonderful role models and their stories
are remarkable,” said Bernice Strauss, director of
academic support programs at the Student Advising and Mentoring
one of the sponsors of the series.
A reception will follow in the SAM Center, located in Academic
Building 4 Room 210, so students can visit with the speakers,
Strauss said.
The program is also co-sponsored by the Elliott T. Bowers
Honors Program, the history department, Kappa Delta Chi,
Omega Delta
Chi and the SHSU NAACP.
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Voter Registration Tables To Be Set Up Outside LSC
Sam Houston
State University students who would like to participate in
the upcoming presidential election have until Oct. 2 to
register, and several groups and individuals on campus are
Tables will be set up outside the Lowman Student Center main
entrance from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Students should bring with them a photo ID, such as a driver’s
license and proof of local residence if they wish to register
to vote in Huntsville.
Often the most convenient form of local address documentation
is a student transcript.
Students who may not have proof of local address will be
assisted in obtaining one. A laptop computer, printer, and
a copy machine
will be set up near the information desk on the second floor
of the LSC.
Students may also register to vote in their hometown, if
their registration forms are postmarked by Oct. 2.
Tamara Waggener, assistant professor in political science
and a member of the SHSU American Democracy Project, coordinated
the mall registration project.
Students can also obtain voter registration forms at the
SAM Center in Academic Building IV, on the corner of Avenue
I and
Bowers Boulevard.
The American Democracy Project has initiated a "Mess with
Texas-Vote" campaign. Its purpose is to get students
more involved in the political process and to fulfill U.
S. Education
Code mandates that universities engage in good faith efforts
to encourage students to register to vote.
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Staggs Clinic To
Be Dedicated Thursday
The College of Education and the department of educational
leadership and counseling will formally dedicate the Jack
S. Staggs Counseling Clinic and the opening of the Counselor
Center on Thursday (Sept. 30).
The event will be held from 10-11:30 p.m. at the Counselor
Education Center, on the patio between the Teacher Education
Center and the Counseling Education Center, at 1932 Bobby
K. Marks Drive.
For more information, call 936.294.1147.
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Bearkat Blood Drive
To Be Held Tuesday
Students, faculty and staff will have the
opportunity to “give
the gift of life” on Tuesday (Sept. 28).
The SHSU Student Health Center, in conjunction with the American
Red Cross, will host a blood drive from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
in the Lowman Student Center Ballroom.
Each donor will receive a free T-shirt.
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Orchestra To ‘Summon Heroes’
The SHSU symphony
orchestra will “Summon the Heroes” with
a salute to patriotism, veterans and troops on Saturday (Oct.
2) at 7:30 p.m. in the Killinger Auditorium.
The “opening concert with a varied program of music” will
also feature the SHSU symphonic choir, the SHSU men’s
choir and the Huntsville men’s choir, according to
Carol Smith, conductor and director of orchestral studies.
SHSU music faculty members Randal Adams and Allen Hightower,
as well as Norman Ward, Huntsville men’s choir conductor,
will serve as guest conductors and performers.
Some of the performed songs include “Star-Spangled Banner,” the late
SHSU music chair Fisher Tull’s “Rhapsody for Trumpet and Orchestra,” “An
American in Paris” and “From Sea to Shining Sea.”
In addition, there will be special presentations and a “patriotic salute
to the men and women serving our country—past and present.”
Tickets for the concert are $8 for adults; $5 for senior citizens and children;
and free for SHSU students, faculty and staff with an ID. For more information,
call the School of Music at 936.294.1360.
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School Of Music To Jazz It Up
The School of Music will be
holding a jazz concert on Monday (Sept. 27) at 7 p.m. in
the Killinger Auditorium.
This will be the opening night for the SHSU jazz ensemble
and lab band.
The bands will play everything from ‘Straight Ahead’ to funk to jazz,
so there is fun to be had for everyone,” said Scott Plugge, director
of jazz studies.
The concert is free and open to the public. For more information, call the
School of Music at 936.294.1360.
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Rec Sports Fights Youth Obesity With Family
Fun Night
Teaching both parents and children about the benefits of
proper nutrition and exercise as the first step in targeting
is the goal a new program
by the department of Recreational Sports.
Family Fun and Fitness night will be held on the first Friday of every
month beginning on Oct. 1. It will be held at 5 p.m. each session in the
and Kinesiology Center’s Multi-purpose Room.
The program will consist of a 30-minute workout designed specifically for
children four to 12, followed by basic food facts, according to wellness
Amanda Martinez.
It’s (the program is designed) to help the family as a whole, for the parents
to help the children eat right because there are so many overweight children
these days,” Martinez said. “We’re just trying to inform
them at an early age that it is healthy to exercise and eat right and at
the same
time enjoy it and have fun.”
The first session will include yoga for children; the second session, to
be held on Nov. 5, will include kickboxing; and the third, on Dec. 3, will
that parents can do with their children.
The program is free for students and for faculty and staff is $5 for the
family for one day or $10 for all three days.
For more information, call Recreational Sports at 936.294.1985.
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Send Update Items Here
Please send information for the SHSU Update to the Office
of Public Relations at SHSU. For electronic access to SHSU
news see the public relations Web page Today@Sam.
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- END -
SHSU Media Contacts: Frank
Krystyniak, Julia May,
Jennifer Gauntt
Sept. 26, 2004
Please send comments, corrections, news tips to