Update For Week Of Feb. 27
March To Sam Houston’s Grave Set For Wednesday
While March 2 may just be another day to the rest of the
nation, any native Texan can tell you that the date signifies
not only Texas Independence Day, but also the birth date
of Texas’ first president, Gen. Sam Houston.
Periodically since that date in 1889, members of the university
and Huntsville community have celebrated the holiday by walking
from Austin Hall to Gen. Houston’s gravesite at Oakwood
This year will be no different, as the Huntsville and university
community are invited to participate in the march on Wednesday.
Participants will meet at Austin Hall at 10:30 a.m., with
the ceremony beginning at 11 a.m.
Students from the history department, including US and Texas
history students, will be dressed in costumes for the fourth
annual event. In addition, the SHSU ROTC program, and a drum
and bugle corps will participate in the festivities.
It was first started in 1889, 10 years after the founding
of the school, and it was done from then on until 1932, when
the depression ended it,” said Caroline Castillo Crimm,
associate professor of history.
At Gen. Houston’s grave, James Patton and Texas historian
Jeffrey D. Dunn will give speeches, and there will be a “21-gun
salute for the celebration of Sam Houston’s birthday
and for Texas Independence,” followed by a luncheon
at the Sam Houston Memorial Museum, Crimm said.
It’s getting bigger and bigger every year,” Crimm
said. “Last year it was 60 students; this year I’m
hoping to see several hundred.”
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AAI Hopes To RID Students
Of Alcohol Abuse
The SHSU Alcohol Abuse Initiative will host a series of
events from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily in the Lowman Student
Mall Area to raise awareness of alcohol abuse with RID (Reducing
Irresponsible Drinking) Week, Feb. 28-March 4.
Monday’s event, “How Much Is Too Much?,” will
address drink sizes and binge drinking. “Is alcohol really
bad for me?” is the topic for a discussion at 1 p.m.
Monday in LSC 320, led by psychology faculty member Chris
SHSU alumna Susan Wagener will speak at 7 p.m. Monday in
the Olson Auditorium in Academic Building 4 about the alcohol
poisoning death or her son, who was
a student at Texas A&M, in 1999.
Tuesday’s events—“Seize the Keys and Meet the Law Dawgs”—include
the opportunity to talk with criminal justice officials from the Texas Alcoholic
Beverage Commission, University Police Department, Huntsville Police Department,
Department of Public Safety, and the district attorney's office.
There will also be a program by Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and a
1 p.m. presentation by James Barrum of the criminal justice program on the
consequences of alcohol offenses.
The health center's annual spring wellness fair will be one of the RID Week
activities on Wednesday, focusing on “Alcohol Overdose,” and covering
such topics as when to call 911, alcohol poisoning first aid, and sobering
myths of alcohol
Thursday’s mall session is entitled “Sex, Violence, and 8 a.m. Classes,” and
will cover sexually-transmitted disease, pregnancy, aggressive behavior, financial
aid and college probation consequences, and a demonstration using special goggles
of how alcohol affects vision.
Also on Thursday, at 1 p.m. in LSC 320, Mary Ellen Sims will lead a session
on date rape and how not to become a victim with “It Can’t Happen
to Me.”
Media Mania will be held from noon to 3 p.m. Friday in Health & Kinesiology
Center room 241, with a Scavenger Hunt for Alcohol Marketing.
The Alcohol Abuse Initiative Web site has a great amount of information on
the RID Week activities available under "Events."
For questions contact Rosanne Keathley, assistant professor in health and kinesiology,
who chairs the Alcohol Abuse Initiative group, or Michelle Lovering, health
programming coordinator at the SHSU Health Center.
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Theatre Gives SHSU, Community ‘Proof’
The SHSU department of theatre and dance will present David
Auburn’s “Proof” Wednesday
(March 2) through Saturday (March 5) in the University Theatre Center’s
Showcase Theatre. Show times are at 8 p.m. with a 2 p.m. Saturday matinee.
Auburn’s Pulitzer Prize-winning play is centered around Catherine, as
well as her relationship with her mathematical genius father and her conservative
uptight sister.
While dealing with the many changes in her life, Catherine is faced with the
most daunting question of all: “How much of her father’s madness
or genius will she inherit?”
Through “Proof,” Auburn asks us to consider not only the unpredictability
of genius but also the human instinct toward love and trust.
The cast includes musical theatre major Ashley Flatt as Catherine, theatre
major TJ Chasteen as Hal, theatre major Jen Lucy as Claire, and SHSU staff
member Larry
Routh as Robert.
Proof” is directed by senior theatre major Kevin Crouch, with theatre
major Richard Chamblin serving as stage manager. Theatre majors Kati Torgerson
the set, Craig Brossman designed the lights, Chuck Hazelgrove designed the
sound, Allison Duke designed the costumes and Kyle Schreck designed the props.
is also the technical director.
Tickets are $8 for general admission, with group rates also available. The
play contains adult content and language, and no children under three will
be admitted.
For more information, or for reservations, call the University Theatre Center
at 936.294.1339.
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Degree Applications Due March 4
Students who anticipate graduating Aug. 6 should file degree
applications by March 4 in the Registrar’s Office,
on the third floor of the Estill Building.
Those who fail to apply by the deadline will be assessed a
$25 late application fee in addition to the $25 graduation
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Burris Discusses Cryptography At FBI-Hosted Meeting
David S. Burris, professor of computer science, addressed
FBI agents and leading commercial infrastructure assurance
professionals in the InfraGard Houston
Members’ Alliance,
hosted at the Houston FBI Headquarters, on Feb. 16.
Burris’s presentation on “Cryptography Basics,” provided
an introduction to data encryption methodologies, approaches to managing data
and a cost benefit analysis of cryptanalysis, the art and science of breaking
The SHSU computer science department, in conjunction with the College of Criminal
Justice, supports research and training in information assurance and data security
through the Center of Excellence in Digital Forensics, a federally funded center
supporting the training of law enforcement personnel in the collection, identification,
management and investigation of digital evidence.
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Outdoor Recreation To Go On
Spring Break Trip
The Outdoor Recreation division of Recreational Sports
will give students a spring break filled with climbing, canoeing
and camping in a giant teepee
Canyon Ranch in Arkansas from March 14-18.
The cost for the week is $99 for students, $125 for faculty and staff and
$150 for guests, which includes transportation, most meals, and climbing
and camping
The sign-up deadline and pre-trip meeting is March 7 at 5 p.m. in Health
and Kinesiology Center Room 104.
For more information on the Outdoor Skills Series, call Marvin
Seale, associate
director of Recreational Sports, at 936.294.3656.
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Health, Kinesiology Profs
Evaluate Certification Exam
Three professors from the health and kinesiology department
recently served as evaluators for questions to be included
in the new version
of the Texas
of Educator Standards (TExES) teacher certification exam.
Bill Hyman, Robert Case and Rosanne Keathley were all selected
as evaluators because of their professional affiliations, Hyman
and Keathley said.
The session lasted approximately seven hours, and the three have
been sworn to secrecy about the exam and its contents, Keathley
She and Hyman served as two of the nine members of the health exam
committee, while Case was on the physical education committee.
First we reviewed the exam to determine construct validity, compared it to the
competencies established for the profession of health education, actually took
one exam, and then reviewed the preliminary exams for future in regard for content
validity,” Keathley said.
Dr. Hyman scored the best on the exam, I think he only missed one, and I missed
four questions,” she said. “Interestingly, an author
of a wellness text was in our group and he missed more than both
Bill and
Though the exam contents required confidentiality on the evaluators’ parts,
Keathley said she feels SHSU students in their department can do
well on it.
Bill and I feel that our students will be prepared for the exam and future exams
because our curriculum content focuses on the competency areas that are required
to be a health educator,” she said.
The three requested that SHSU serve as a piloting site for the
next exams, Keathley said, though she does not know when that will
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Review Editor Wins Distinguished Achievement Award
Garrett |
Garrett, fiction editor for “The Texas Review,” which
is published by SHSU’s Texas Review Press, was recently
awarded the 2005 Cleanth Brooks Medal for Distinguished Achievement
in Southern
Letters by the
Fellowship of
Southern Letters.
The award, considered the most notable given by the organization,
has been given to Eudora Welty, Shelby Foote, Elizabeth Spencer
and Horton
in the past.
Recently retired as the director for creative writing from the
University of Virginia, Garrett has served as fiction editor for
nearly 20 years,
and two
of the press’s international book competitions are in his
Garrett has over 50 published books and has been awarded a Guggenheim
Fellowship, a National Endowment for the Arts Sabbatical Fellowship,
a Ford Foundation
Grant, the Rome Prize of the American Academy of Arts and Letters,
and the T.S. Eliot
Award, among many others.
George and his name have done more to enhance the prestige of our journal than
anything else I can think of,” said Paul Ruffin, editor-in-chief of “The
Texas Review.” “He has truly represented us well over the years—has
even scrounged up several grants for us—and we owe him an enormous debit
of gratitude.”
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Send Update Items Here
Please send information for the SHSU Update to the Office
of Public Relations at SHSU. For electronic access to SHSU
news see the public relations Web page Today@Sam.
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- END -
SHSU Media Contacts: Frank
Krystyniak, Julia May,
Jennifer Gauntt
Feb. 27, 2005
Please send comments, corrections, news tips to