Hebert Named Interim Dean of Arts & Sciences
Jaimie Hebert |
Jaimie Hebert, who chairs the Department of Mathematics and
Statistics, has been named interim dean of the College of
Arts and Sciences at Sam Houston State University.
David Payne, vice president and provost, said that Hebert
will serve in the position vacated by Brian Chapman, who recently
accepted the job of provost at West Texas A&M.
"I am honored that the provost has asked me to serve
the college and university in this capacity," said Hebert.
"The College of Arts and Sciences is a very diverse college
with a variety of departments and programs.
"As the chair of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
I have witnessed the successful evolution of our college programs
over the past six years. I am excited about the opportunity
to work with each of these departments and programs as they
continue to grow and prosper."
Payne praised Hebert's work and said he believes he is an
excellent choice for the position.
"I am delighted with the appointment of Jaimie Hebert
to this position," said Payne. "He has been highly
successful and a distinguished leader in the Department of
Mathematics and Statistics and we look forward to his providing
strong leadership during this interim period."
Hebert received his Ph. D. in statistics from the University
of Louisiana at Lafayette in 1990. From 1990 to 1995, he was
an assistant professor of mathematical sciences at Appalachian
State University.
He joined the faculty at Sam Houston State University in 1995,
was promoted to associate professor in 1998 and full professor
in 2004. In 1999 he was appointed chairman of the Department
of Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics (now the Department
of Mathematics and Statistics).
Hebert has been an active researcher throughout his academic
career, publishing 29 manuscripts in professional journals
and serving as principle investigator or co-principle investigator
on numerous research grants. He served the Journal of Developmental
Education as research editor from 1991-1995 and senior research
editor from 1996 to the present.
He has served on the executive committees for the Mathematical
Association of America-Texas Section and the Conference of
Texas Statisticians. He is currently secretary of the mathematics
association's Texas Section.
He is a member of the American Statistical Association, the
Mathematical Associations of America, the Institute of Mathematical
Statistics, and the Texas Association of Academic Administrators
in Mathematics.
Payne said that an interim chair of the Department of Mathematics
and Statistics will be named soon.
- END -
SHSU Media Contact: Frank
July 1, 2005
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