Update For Week Of March 13
Students Take Spring Break, SHSU Remains Open
While Sam Houston State University students and faculty
will be spending March 14-18 on Spring Break, SHSU will be
Residence halls closed Friday at 6 p.m. and will re-open
at 2 p.m. on Sunday (March 20).
In addition, the Health and Kinesiology Center will be closed
for recreation activity on Monday (March 14) while maintenance
and repairs are being done in a number of areas.
The HKC will re-open Tuesday with Spring Break hours of 11
a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Friday.
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Staff Excellence Award
Nominations Sought
Once again it is time for SHSU employees
to honor their fellow workers by nominating them for the
university’s Staff
Excellence Award. Nominations will be accepted through April
The award is given to one exempt and two non-exempt staff
employees who have demonstrated “a commitment to excellence” and
comes with a $2000 stipend. Non-exempt employees are those
subject to overtime pay.
The nominee must be a full-time, non-temporary staff member
with a minimum of two years service at the time of nomination;
show meritorious performance;
proven commitment to excellence in service; excel in his/her job; demonstrate
outstanding abilities, innovative ideas, efficient operations and high level
of motivation; be respected by the university community; and not have been
a previous recipient.
Any full-time SHSU faculty or staff member can nominate, and faculty and staff
may nominate more than one person.
Forms may be picked up and returned to the Human Resources Department, in Estill
Building Room 334, or through campus mail at Box 2356 SHSU.
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Henley To Speak
As Next Executive-In-Residence
William Henley |
SHSU alumnus William H. Henley, Jr., will
serve as the College of Business Administration’s
next Executive-in-Residence speaker on March 29. The presentation will
be held at 9:30 a.m. in the Ron and Linda Mafrige Auditorium in the Smith-Hutson
Henley, who received his Bachelor of Business Administration degree in
international business in 1989, is an examination specialist for the Technology
Branch of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the banking industry’s
primary regulator.
Based at FDIC headquarters in Washington, D.C., he is the subject matter
expert for electronic scams, offshore outsourcing, and Check Clearing for
the 21st
Century Act (Check 21).
Henley began his career with the FDIC shortly after graduation, and served
as a bank examiner in the Houston Field Office until his promotion in 1998
to the
Technology Supervision Branch.
In 2002 he completed graduate studies in bank operations and technology
at the Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University in Nashville,
The SHSU community and the public are invited.
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Poetry Contest Offers Students
Chance To Win $100
Student poets will have the opportunity to share their
unpublished work and possibly make some money from it with
SHSU’s Academy
of American Poets Annual College Prize contest.
Students, competing in undergraduate and graduate categories, may
submit up to five unpublished poems by March 31.
Each entrant should send two copies of each poem, with one copy listing
the name, permanent address, telephone number, and e-mail address
of the entrant,
as well
as the category entered. The other copy should contain no identifying
information besides the poem’s title and the category of entry.
Poems will be judged by William Wenthe, associate professor of English
at Texas Tech University, and the winners of each category will receive
Wenthe is an accomplished poet whose work has appeared widely in
the nation’s
best poetry journals, including “The Georgia Review,” “The
Paris Review,” and “Poetry.” His most recent book, “Not
Till We Are Lost”, has just been brought out by LSU press.
Entries should be sent to associate professor of English Melissa
Morphew at Box 2146, English Dept., SHSU.
For more information, contact Morphew at 936.294.1944 or
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Judges Sought For Academic Challenge
The political science department is seeking volunteers
to serve as moderators and judges for the university-sponsored
2005 Texas
State Championship competition. The competition will be held
on campus on April
16, from about 8
a.m. to 5 p.m.
Academic Challenge is a "quiz bowl" style competition
for high school students. The winner of this competition will
the state
of Texas
in the National Academic Challenge competition this summer.
Moderators read the questions, and judges keep score and settle
disputes that arise. A brief training session for anyone wishing
one will
also be offered.
The event is a one-day competition only, and lunch and snacks
will be served.
Those who would like to volunteer can access the volunteer
form at:
Forms should be returned to Mitzi Mahoney at P.O. Box 2149
or by fax at 936.294.4172.
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Vendor/HUB Show To Be Held Tuesday
Sam Houston State University departments, as well as members
of the Huntsville community, will have the opportunity to
meet over
70 vendors
on Tuesday
(March 15) at the 9th Annual Vendor/HUB Show, sponsored by
the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, SHSU, the City
of Huntsville,
County and the
Small Business
Development Center.
The event will be held from 9 a.m. to noon in the Lowman
Student Center Ballroom.
The show will allow departments to network with sponsors,
purchasing staffs and HUB coordinators, as well as identify
to market products
Vendors from all over the state will be in attendance, from
product and service industries such as office supplies, promotional
electrical supplies/services, maintenance supplies, garment
manufacturers, rental services,
glass sales/services, commodity distribution, computer suppliers/services,
utility supplies/services, janitorial supplies/services,
lighting supply, food distributors,
and communication supplies/services.
For more information, call Sharon Schultz at 936.294.7061,
Kim Stewart 936.437.7067 or John Hitzeman at 936.294.1900.
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Get Written Works
Two professors from the department of health and kinesiology
are spreading Sam Houston State University’s name through
their written works.
A manuscript written by Gary Oden, professor of health and
kinesiology, has become the source of determining the minimum
fitness requirements
for employment
correctional guards for the Texas Department of Criminal
Oden said TDCJ began using the manuscript, “Updating Fitness Standards
for Texas Correctional Officers,” this past fall.
“ I got started in 1994 when TDCJ asked me to write
physiological standards for corrections officers,” he
said. “This is a follow-up on the other work which I
Currently, he is working on a training program for police
officers for College of Criminal Justice dean Richard Ward,
he said.
An article by kinesiology professor Brenda Lichtman was recently
published in a periodical for physical educators in grades
kindergarten through
sixth grade.
Using Hybrid Modeling to Develop Innovative Activities” appeared in volume
16 of “Teaching Elementary Physical Education,” Lichtman
The publication provides ideas that can be used within the
activity curriculum, she said.
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Send Update Items Here
Please send information for the SHSU Update to the Office
of Public Relations at SHSU. For electronic access to SHSU
news see the public relations Web page Today@Sam.
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- END -
SHSU Media Contacts: Frank
Krystyniak, Julia May,
Jennifer Gauntt
March 13, 2005
Please send comments, corrections, news tips to