Faculty Members Receive Promotions, Tenure
BEAUMONT - Promotions and tenure for 31 Sam Houston State
University faculty members were approved Friday by the SHSU
board of regents.
Those promoted, their new rank and their teaching fields are:
Frances E. Brandau-Brown, associate professor in speech communication;
Donald J. Brown, professor in general business and finance;
Charles J. Capps, III, professor in management and marketing;
Jerry L. Cook, associate professor in biological sciences;
Tamara J. Cook, associate professor in biological sciences;
Linda B. Cook, associate professor in English and foreign
languages; William D. Edgington, associate professor in curriculum
and instruction.
Also, Stacey L. Edmonson, associate professor in educational
leadership and counseling; Randall L. Garner, professor in
criminal justice; Roger D. Hanagriff, associate professor
in agriculture sciences; Marsha J. Harman, professor in psychology
and philosophy; Geraldine E. Hynes, associate professor in
general business and finance; Carol R. James, associate professor
in physics; Rosanne S. Keathley, associate professor in health
and kinesiology.
Also, Taylor S. Klett, associate professor in accounting;
Timothy J. McGuire, associate professor in computer science;
Lynn M. McMain, associate professor in the Newton Gresham
Library; Holly A. Miller, associate professor in criminal
justice; Diane L. Neudorf, associate professor in biological
sciences, Mary S. Nichter, associate professor in educational
leadership and counseling.
Also, Rafael E. Saumell-Munoz, professor in English and foreign
languages; Robert H. Stretcher, III, associate professor in
general business and finance; Susan D. Strickland, associate
professor in the Newton Gresham Library; Terry M. Thibodeaux,
professor in speech communication; Monte L. Thies, professor
in biological sciences; Jack C. Turner, professor in biological
Those promoted who also received tenure were:
Frances E. Brandau-Brown, Donald J. Brown, Jerry L. Cook,
Tamara J. Cook, Linda B. Cook, Stacey L. Edmonson, Roger D.
Hanagriff, Geraldine E. Hynes, Carol R. James, Taylor S. Klett,
Lynn M. McMain, Holly A. Miller, Diane L. Neudorf, Mary S.
Nichter, Robert H. Stretcher, III, and Susan D. Strickland.
Also awarded tenure were Janet A. Bridges, professor in mass
communication; Carole A. Funk, professor in educational leadership
and counseling; Matthew P. Rowe, professor in biological sciences;
Victoria B. Titterington, associate professor in criminal
justice; and Richard E. Watts, professor in educational leadership
and counseling.
- END -
SHSU Media Contact: Frank
May 27, 2005
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