Hispanic Students and Families to Gather for Encuentro 2006
With Mariachis playing, piñatas swinging, and comedians
entertaining the crowds, on Saturday (Oct. 7) Sam Houston
State University, in alliance with the Huntsville Independent
School District and the local chapter of LULAC, will host
a conference for hundreds of Hispanic families at the Lowman
Student Center from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
"The purpose of Encuentro 2006 is to offer useful, practical
information for parents and entertainment for children and
teens, with mentoring by SHSU's many Hispanic students to
help local families improve their lives and prepare their
children for a college career," said Caroline Castillo
Crimm, SHSU professor of history.
Children up to age 17 will be admitted free and adults will
pay $2. Encuentro offers comedians, music, dancing, information,
exhibitors’ booths, a free meal, and Encuentro T-shirts
for children. Adults may purchase their T-shirts for only
Registration will begin at 10 a.m., with tours of the university
and a chance to visit dozens of exhibitors’ booths,
followed by a free lunch at noon in the Ballroom of the LSC.
During the lunch, the Mariachis of A&M will entertain
the crowds, followed by a welcome from Maria Luisa Alvarado,
candidate for lieutenant governor, and a presentation on helping
parents improve their lives by the comedian and ventriloquist,
Nacho Estrada and his partner Maclovio.
After lunch, families will find activities for all ages throughout
the LSC. Parents are invited to learn about the mission of
the school district, and listen to a variety of speakers on
such topics as health, legal affairs, financial aid for their
children, and empowering themselves.
The children, meanwhile, will be welcomed by supervisors and
caretakers, who will entertain them with clowns, comedians,
piñatas, and arts and crafts. Teens have a special
treat in store in the LSC Theater, where they will hear California
comedian Andres Fernandez, plus a reprise by Nacho Estrada
and Maclovio, and the inspiring story of Alvarado. During
the dance that will conclude the conference, the teens will
enjoy Huntsville's Conjunto group, Xtremo Norte.
“This conference is our chance to help Hispanic families
feel at home on our campus and to realize the opportunities
available for them and their children at our university,”
said Crimm.
The conference originated in 1997, when members of the university
and community came together to establish the program to reach
out to help Hispanic families improve their lives through
The volunteer Encuentro board of directors includes members
from the Sam Houston State University departments of foreign
languages, history, education, dance, and criminal justice,
as well as Huntsville Independent School District principals,
administrators, faculty and staff. Hispanic members of the
community also serve on the board along with representatives
from the local LULAC chapter.
SHSU Media Contact: Frank
Oct. 4, 2006
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