Faculty, Staff Honored For Years Of Service
Faculty and staff members were recognized for their years
of service to Sam Houston State University on Wednesday (Aug.
24) afternoon during the annual Faculty/Staff Convocation
in the Criminal Justice Center's Killinger Auditorium.
(Above) 35-Year Service Award winners were, from left,
front row, Dorothy Roberson, academic affairs; Jim Stevens,
computer services; and Patsy Johnson, chemistry department.
Back row, from left, were Ron Earl, professor of marketing;
Frank Fair, professor of philosophy; Robert Shearer, professor
of criminal justice; and Frank Krystyniak, public relations.
25-Year Service Award winners, from left, front row,
were Erin Johnson, professor of education; Carrie Lee
Wanza, Lowman Student Center; Cindy Wells, physical plant;
Caroline Balke, department of management and marketing,
and Kathy Hudson, registrar's office. Back row, from left,
were Jeff Harwell, assistant professor of accounting;
Jan McPike, athletics; and Marty Griffin, associate professor
of business administration. |
Recognized for 20 years of service, from left, were
Laura K. Burleson, assistant professor of interior design;
Sarah Woods, business office; and Debbie McKerrall, computer
services. |
--Photos by Brian Blalock
SHSU Media Contact: Jennifer
Aug. 24, 2006
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