Distinguished Lecturer Takes On Commandments
Paul Finkelman discusses the Ten Commandments
as part of the Distinguished Lecturer Series on Tuesday.
The idea that concepts within the Ten Commandments are found
in the American legal system because of the Bible “is
simply utter historical nonsense.”
That’s the assertion Paul Finkelman, Chapman Distinguished
Professor at the University of Tulsa College of Law, made
during his Distinguished Lecture Series speech Tuesday at
Sam Houston State University.
“The law we live with comes from Rome, it comes from
Germanic tribes, it comes from Greece, it comes from Spain,
some of it comes from the Bible, but not a whole lot of it,”
said Finkelman, who served as an expert witness in the famous
Alabama Ten Commandments Monument case. “So to make
the argument that the Ten Commandments is the moral foundation
our country is simply a fraud.”
In his lecture, Finkelman dissected the commandments, looking
at them from the perspective of different religions and denominations
and asked the audience to look at each commandment individually
to see how they apply to the American legal system.
Finkelman challenged the audience to show him which of the
commandments could possibly form the basis of laws, from the
commandment requiring believers to “Remember the Sabbath
day,” to which Finkleman questioned which Sabbath would
be remembered, Saturday or Sunday; to “Honor your father
and your mother,” to which Finkleman asked what one
would do if your father or mother wasn’t worthy of honor.
“As you heard when I was introduced, I’m moving;
I’m leaving Oklahoma and moving to Albany, N.Y. I’m
right now in the process of trying to convince hundreds of
people to covet my house. I pray every day that my neighbor
will covet my house,” he said, referring to the ninth
and 10th commandments by some denominations or just the tenth
by Jewish and Protestant standards.
“We live in a culture of covetousness. I covet my neighbor’s
BMW every time he drives by,” Finkelman said. “I
would argue that coveting is the central engine of the American
If America did base its laws on the Ten Commandments, how
would one be punished for coveting; adultery, which by Biblical
standards in the Book of Exodus only occurs when “a
married woman has sexual intercourse with someone who is not
her husband;” or even gossip (bearing false witness),
Finkelman asked.
And of the commandments that do play a role in the American
legal system, stealing and murder, both are concepts prohibited
by “every known culture in the world at any time,”
he said.
“That’s an interesting concept (‘thou shalt
not kill’) because, of course, Huntsville is the killing
capital of America,” he said. “The governor of
Texas is one of the biggest killers in America, year in and
year out.
“Is ‘do not kill’ part of our culture?”
Finkleman said. “On the contrary, we give medals to
people who kill; we promote people in the police department
occasionally because they kill.”
Finkelman also discussed how different translations lead to
different interpretations.
“Any of you who are serious about foreign languages
understand that translation is an art,” he said “The
major faiths in this country take very seriously the ideas
about how you understand what the Bible says.
“The Bible is in fact translated, not necessarily the
way that a linguist would translate it but rather it’s
translated the way the people who are in charge of the theology
in your particular faith would translate it,” he said.
“A Catholic priest, a Baptist minister and a Jewish
rabbi will all look at the same Hebrew text and see something
different because their religious faith leads them to see
something different.”
These differing views have led to different versions of the
Ten Commandments, such as in Catholic version, which combines
what is otherwise known as the first and second commandments
and splits what is the 10th commandment in other denominations
into two, as its ninth and 10th commandments.
“The Ten Commandments, first of all are found in two
places in the Bible. This comes as a surprise to most people,”
he said. “They are found in Chapter 20 of Exodus and
Chapter 5 in Deuteronomy. They are, by the way, different
in both of these places.
“So not only does not everybody have the same Ten Commandments,
but the Bible doesn’t have the same Ten Commandments,”
he said.
All of these factors play into cases that have arisen across
the nation that involve placing religious monuments on public
property, such as the Alabama case.
Texas also had a case involving a Ten Commandments monument
on the State Capitol grounds, but the monument, which bears
the Lutheran version of the commandments, was allowed to stay,
Finkelman said.
“So all you Texans who are not Lutheran, all you Baptists
or Methodists or Presbyterians or Episcopalians or Church
of Christ or Catholics or Jewish, they don’t have your
Ten Commandments up there,” he said. “It matters
if you are a truly religious person.
“There are a number of people in this room, myself included,
who think that religion actually matters, who think that religious
text actually matters, who actually believe that when you
read scripture, we are reading words that we should take very,
very seriously, that we should think about, that we should
pray on as some of us would put it, that we should understand
that scripture very carefully,” Finkelman said. “Surely
it must matter if we take our religious faith seriously, but
what we certainly don’t want is the government telling
us what that religious faith is or what that religious text
Finkelman argued that there is a very good reason why the
founding fathers wanted to keep church and state separate,
not only because of the thought that religion might corrupt
politics but because “if you get religion and politics
involved, in the long run religion is going to suffer,”
he said.
“Those of you who think you’d like to get prayer
in public school, do you really want the State Legislature
of Texas writing prayers for you? Do you really want Gov.
(Rick) Perry writing your prayers? Would you have wanted George
Bush writing prayers?” he said. “I don’t
think so, because those people aren’t particularly holy
“That’s something the Framers of the Constitution
understood very well; that if the government gets into the
religion business, religion, in the end, is going to suffer
because the prayers that the government writes are not going
to be prayers from the soul or the heart, they are going to
be prayers of the legislature,” he said.
SHSU Media Contact: Jennifer
April 11, 2006
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