Fitbucks Has New Home in Kinesiology Addition
The Kinesiology Addition, a great place
to lose pounds and find Fitbucks. |
The FitBucks program for the 2006 Spring Semester has begun,
and program coordinators say there is no better time to jump
in, play hard, and win some great incentive prizes.
They also say there is no better place than the new Kinesiology
Addition, with its many new features.
FitBucks, which kicked off on Monday (Jan. 30), is a program
that rewards participants with prizes such as a water bottle,
workout towel, workout slingbag, or T-shirt, based on the number
of points earned.
To participate, students, faculty, and staff send in a weekly
log filled in with the time spent exercising. Results will be
posted online to encourage participants to be active.
In addition to activities listed on the FitBucks Web site, other
activities may also be included, pending approval by Tina DeAses,
assistant director of wellness programs.
"With the new Kinesiology Addition and all of its great equipment,
we are expecting many more participants in this program," said
DeAses. "Past participants say that the prizes, while not lavish,
give them great incentive to do workouts and other activities
on those days when they might be tempted to skip."
Those who want to participate can begin at any time during the
semester; however, before participation begins, e-mail DeAses,
at, to receive a FitBucks ID number.
The program will run until May 2, when the last log is due.
To download a workout log, view approved activities, or for
more information, visit the FitBucks
page on the Recreational
Sports Web site.
SHSU Media Contact: Frank Krystyniak
Feb. 1, 2006
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