Update For Week Of Aug. 26
SHSU To Unveil GO Station
At Tailgate Party
The Enrollment Management division will officially unveil
SHSU's version of the Mobile GO Center, its new name and will
allow people to tour the station during the tailgate party
for the season-opening football game on Thursday (Aug. 30).
The ribbon cutting ceremony will be held at 5:20 p.m. in Bearkat
Alley, where the tailgate party also will be held.
The "Go Kats Go Center," submitted by Jennifer Gulliams
from the Registrar's Office, was selected as the winning entry
for the naming contest. As the winner, Gulliams will receive
five Blue Bell gift certificates, according to Susie Houston,
Enrollment Management specialist who is in charge of the program.
The 42-foot trailer, with a gooseneck-style hitch, as well
as the truck that will pull it was purchased through a $127,000
grant from the Texas Pioneer Foundation, which will be recognized
at halftime during the football game.
The trailer was built by Magnum Custom Trailers from Austin,
and a customized graphics wrap highlighting SHSU was created
by Houston Wraps in Houston.
A university-sponsored technological station, the center will
provide as many as 21 computer terminals to give high school-aged
students Internet access and help in applying for admission
and financial aid, Houston said.
The Go Kats Go Center, the largest in the state, will travel
around Texas to recruit students at such places as county
fairs and high school football games.
Members from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board,
the College for All Texans Foundation, and Magnum Custom Trailers,
as well as Texas State University System Chancellor Charles
Matthews will also be in attendance for the pre-game ribbon
The football game, versus Angelo State, will begin at 6 p.m.
at Bowers Stadium, and the tailgate party will begin at 4
p.m. in Bearkat Alley, on the north side of the stadium.
For more information on the Go
Kats Go Center or scheduling the unit to come
to a specific area, contact Houston at 936.294.1063 or
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Health Center Extends Hours
For Fall, Spring
In order to provide students with more convenient access
to its services, the Student Health Center has extended its
hours on Mondays through Thursdays.
During the fall and spring semesters, clinical services will
now be available until 6 p.m., with the last appointment time
at 5:35 p.m. This is a full hour later than previously offered.
“We know that there are many students with busy class
and work schedules and by adding an hour to our appointment
schedule, we might be able to accommodate them better,”
said Michelle Lovering, SHC health programming coordinator.
“During the regular semesters, all available appointment
times are filled very quickly. We expect the later appointments
to be filled just as quickly.”
The pharmacy and laboratory will still close at 5 p.m. daily
and the last appointment time on Friday will remain at 4:35
The SHC provides all the routine health care services that
a family doctor provides, Lovering said, including routine
illness and minor injury treatment, referral services, nursing
care, allergy injections, immunizations, women’s health
services, physical exams, wound care/dressing changes, minor
suturing and suture removal and, asthma management.
The onsite laboratory allows for quick testing for pregnancy,
sexually transmitted infections, anonymous HIV screening,
glucose screening, and for the purpose of diagnosing respiratory
or other infections.
Both the laboratory and pharmacy can perform tasks ordered
by any licensed medical practitioner in Texas, including refilling
prescriptions from other doctors and transfers from retail
The Student Health Center sees patients by appointment only,
which may be made either in person or by telephone.
Patients are advised to schedule their appointments as early
as possible in order to obtain a desirable appointment time,
Lovering said.
For more information about the Student
Health Center, or to schedule an apointment,
call 936.294.1805.
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More Activities Lined
Up For Welcome Week
As SHSU enters its second week of school, the Department
of Student Activities will continue introducing students to
what SHSU has to offer with its Welcome Week activities.
On Monday (Aug. 27) students will have the opportunity to
learn about SHSU’s student organizations and meet various
university administrators, who will serve them hamburgers
or hotdogs and side dishes.
The Organizations and Administrators Fair will be held from
11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Lowman Student Center Mall Area.
"Joining student organizations is important in the holistic
growth of college students because it allows them to cultivate
and apply skills that will be extremely useful after graduation,”
said Angie Burns, assistant director for Student Activities.
“Being involved in organizations teaches students about
responsibility, leadership and the importance of teamwork."
Student Activities will teach students how to nutritionally
subsist on pizza, burgers and chips with "Fighting the
Freshman 15" on Tuesday (Aug. 28), at 6 p.m. in the LSC
Speaker Tom Ryan will share tips on waking up your brain before
an exam; how to exercise less than three hours per week and
still be in great shape; eliminate the beer gut; and short
circuit campus cravings, among others.
On Wednesday (Aug. 29), students can try their luck during
the annual Casino Night, at 6 p.m. in the LSC Ballroom.
Participants will be given chips to play such games as slot
machines, blackjack, Texas Hold'Em, craps and roulette, for
the opportunity to win free prizes.
Events such as those held during Welcome Week help new students
with the transition to college life while providing entertainment
for both new and returning students, Student Activities program
coordinator Brandon Cooper said.
"By attending these events, students walk away with a
new perspective on what lies ahead for them at Sam Houston
State University," he said. "It also gives them
a chance to learn things they didn't know previously and meet
new people."
For more information, visit the
Student Activities calendar or call 936.294.3861.
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Virtual Bar To Teach
Students Blood-Alcohol Lessons
The Alcohol and Drug Abuse Initiative will teach students
about alcohol serving sizes and how servings contribute to
one’s blood alcohol concentration on Tuesday (Aug. 28)
with a trip to the “Virtual Bar.”
The program will be held at 3 p.m. in Lowman Student Center
Room 110, next to the Kat Klub.
During the event, students will participate in a computer
simulation, during which they enter basic information such
as gender and weight and then “go to bar.”
At the bar, participants will select drinks and then choose
how quickly they would like to consume the drink, by either
slamming it, drinking it over 20 minutes or sipping it over
40 minutes.
“The computer keeps track of the time and the number
of drinks consumed, and can then calculate their BAC (blood
alcohol content),” said Michelle Lovering, ADAI proactive
prevention chair. “It also tells students how long it
would take for their body to process that amount of alcohol
and when they would reach a BAC of zero again.”
Students will also be able to see how friends of different
body weights and gender would be affected by alcohol.
“In the end, students will leave with a better understanding
of the alcoholic content of different drinks and how quickly
their BAC can reach dangerous levels, even ending in death,”
Lovering said.
The “Virtual Bar” is the first of the ADAI’s
Six Weeks of Alcohol Awareness Training program, an educational
series aiming to increase awareness of alcohol abuse issues
among students, for the fall.
“The first six weeks of the semester is identified
by the National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse
as a high-risk period, particularly for incoming freshmen,”
Lovering said.
Prizes are awarded at each SWAAT event, and the more activities
students attend, the more prizes they receive.
“The prizes will get better as they come to more,”
Lovering said. “We keep track of their attendance with
SWAAT cards, which they can pick up at the first event.”
For more information, contact Lovering at 936.294.4347,
or visit the ADAI Web site at
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Departments To Send
Students On Ultimate Road Trip
On average, the retention rate for first-time college freshmen
returning for their second year at a four-year university
is approximately 73.6 percent in the United States and only
slightly higher (74.3 percent) in Texas, according to a 2002
study by The National Center for Higher Education Management
Systems Information Center.
To enable even more of SHSU’s first-year students to
return for their second year, the Student Activities Department,
Career Services and the First Year Experience Office will
take them on "The Ultimate Road Trip: Campus2Career"
on Wednesday (Aug. 29).
The program will be held from 3-4 p.m. and again from 5-6
p.m. in Lowman Student Center Room 320.
The presentation will give students tips on successfully managing
the transition into college, “studying and succeeding
in college-level courses, having fun and building your future
through clubs and organizations, getting internships and work
experience to help shape your career path,” according
to Pam Laughlin, Career Services director.
“It’s real upbeat,” Laughlin said. “It’s
all about the choices they make and how those choices can
turn their potential into success.”
The program, through MonsterTRAK and, will be
delivered on campuses across the nation this fall to more
than 350,000 students.
For more information, call Career
Services at 936.294.1713.
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Students, Employees To Scavenge
Campus For Prizes
Students, faculty and staff will have the opportunity to
acquaint themselves with campus and search for hidden treasure
during the Scavenger Hunt on Tuesday (Aug. 28).
The pirate-themed hunt will begin in the Student Activities
office, located in Lowman Student Center Suite 328, from 9
a.m. to 1 p.m.
In order to participate, students, faculty and staff will
follow the easy-to-navigate map provided at the starting point
to different destinations on campus and claim prizes at the
different departmental booths.
After the treasure hunt, students will be given a ticket for
a chance to win one grand prize that will be raffled off at
the end of the day.
For more information, contact the Office
of the Vice President for Student Services at
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Dance Team Seeks New Members
During Try-Outs
The Orange Pride Dance Team will fill its roster for the
2007-2008 year during an open try-out on Friday (Aug. 31).
Try-outs will be held from 6-9 p.m. in the Health and Kinesiology
Center’s Aerobics Room.
“This is an excellent opportunity to become a part of
a highly-recognized and successful program while having the
opportunity to experience Sam Houston like few can,”
said Jared King, spirit programs coordinator.
Candidates must be able to perform the following moves: triple
pirouettes, right and left leap, leap in second, switch leap,
turning switch leap, calypso leap, leg hold (demonstrating
flexibility), and fouettes.
In addition, dance team members must be full-time students
and have proof of medical insurance. An application fee is
also required.
Applications are available online at
For more information, contact King at 936.294.4239,
or visit the spirit programs Web site at
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Alumni Relations To Party
With Faculty, Staff
The Office of Alumni Relations will welcome faculty and
staff members back to campus for the fall during a Party on
the Patio on Tuesday (Aug. 28).
The event will be held from 4-6 p.m. on the Alumni Patio of
the Visitor and Alumni Center, located at the corner of the
Estill Building and University Avenue.
The event is geared towards new faculty and staff as a meet
and greet and welcome to campus, according to Alumni Relations
director Charlie Vienne.
Appetizers and drinks will be served and faculty and staff
will be offered Alumni Association membership for a reduced
fee of $25.
For more information, call 936.294.1841.
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Send Update Items Here
Please send information for the SHSU Update to the Office
of Public Relations at SHSU. For electronic access to SHSU
news see the public relations Web page Today@Sam.
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- END -
SHSU Media Contacts: Frank
Krystyniak, Julia May,
Jennifer Gauntt
Aug. 24, 2007
Please send comments, corrections, news tips to