Update For Week Of March 11
Cheerleaders To Appear On
Bearkat cheerleaders and mascots—at your party and
on TV.
ESPN2 will replay top performances from the top Division I
teams, including SHSU, from the 2007 Universal Cheerleaders
and Dancers Collegiate National Championship.
Part one of the competition is expected to be recast on March
11, at 3 p.m., and part two is expected to be recast on March
25 at 3 p.m., though the specific division showings have not
yet been released, according to Jared King, spirit programs
The SHSU Co-Ed Cheerleading squad finished third in Division
I during this year’s competition, which was held in
Orlando, Fla.
“The third place in finish 2007 marks the first time
in seven years that the Co-Ed program has been in the top
three and is part of a four-year streak of continuous improvement
at competition,” he said.
Times and dates for the replay will be posted at
In addition, the co-ed squad is available to perform at various
events both on and off campus.
Sammy Bearkat, and Airkat, as well as members of the cheerleading
or dance teams will bring “an exciting dynamic”
or “additional spirit” to events such as birthday
parties, according to King.
Appearances are free and requests can be made through an online
form found at
“We can accommodate specific needs and make every effort
to fill each request,” King said.
For more information, call the Office
of Student Activities at 936.294.3861 or contact
King at
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Art Professors Showcase Works
In Houston
Three SHSU art professors will be exhibiting their works
through March 29 at the Commerce Street Artists Warehouse
in Houston.
The exhibit, "Falling to Earth," includes works
by Martin Amorous, Brian Benfer and Michael Henderson, as
well as works by Robin Germany, who teaches photography and
digital imaging at Texas Tech University.
“All of the artists in the exhibit create work that
references the landscape of the earth from non-traditional
and alternate points of view,” Henderson said. “Their
works displace viewers from in front of the ‘window’
of the canvas and reposition them in spaces where the landscape
is fluid and abstract and refers to the body, time and the
act of creation.
Amorous, who teaches painting, creates large paintings through
poured paint washes that bleed across the canvas.
“Landscapes appear in the veils of paint, but the works
teeter back and forth between deep vistas and abstraction,”
Henderson said.
Benfer, who teaches ceramics, uses the earth itself to create
“Benfer will throw clay on the floor of the space, placing
the viewer in a form that has come out of the earth,”
Henderson said.
Henderson, who teaches computer animation, uses digital video
and computer animation to create works that involve nature,
time and language.
His loops of geometry, landscape and language have no clear
beginning or end and can become pardoxical as the viewer interprets
them, he said.
Germany's night photographs of plants in the forest become
“weird abstract images that seem more like interiors
of the body or medical illustrations than landscapes,”
according to Henderson.
The Commerce Street Artists Warehouse is located at 2315 Commerce
St. in Houston.
For more information, visit,
or contact Henderson at
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Biology Students Win
Big At Science Conference
Students from the Department of Biological Sciences swept
the first place awards at the recent 110th annual meeting
of the Texas Academy of Sciences at Baylor University in Waco.
Joanna Hayes received first place in the master's level research
grant competition and won $1,000 for her presentation, entitled
"Patterns of Gregarine infection in Argia species
Across Biogeographical Provinces in Texas."
Alicia Kennedy won $1,500 and a $100 travel grant for her
first place win in the undergraduate level research grant
competition for "Preliminary Analysis of the Fossil Herpetofauna,
Koanaka Hills, Botswana."
Finally, Candace Wise won $300 and best undergraduate podium
presentation for her talk entitled "Using High Performance
Liquid Chromatography to Identify Gibberellin and Gibberellin-Like
Compounds from Anemia mexicana Gametophyte Culture
More than 450 scientists from dozens of universities across
the state will be in attendance at the conference, held March
The Texas Academy of Science is one of the oldest science
organizations in the state.
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HUB Show To Be Held March 12
Sam Houston State University, along with several other local
entities, will host the 11th Annual Vendor/HUB Show on Monday
(March 12).
Vendor booths for Historically Underutilized Businesses will
be set up in the Lowman Student Center Ballroom from 9 a.m.
until noon to showcase products and services available to
departments, as well as opportunities in which departments
can increase SHSU's HUB participation.
The event, co-sponsored by the Texas Department of Criminal
Justice, the City of Huntsville, Walker County and the SHSU
Small Business Development Center, is open to all faculty
and staff.
For more information, call Kathy Roberts in the Purchasing
Department at 936.294.1894.
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Alpha Chi Inducts 60
SHSU’s Texas Omicron chapter of the Alpha Chi National
College Honor Scholarship Society recently inducted 60 members
to the organization.
Among those inducted were: Donna R. Abajian, Todd J. Bartkowiak,
Lindsey R. Bates, Travis G. Brackin, James J. Branch, Jennifer
Brannon, Monica N. Brown, Erica A. Carrales, Jason N. Cochran,
Adrien R. Cooper, Ashley Cross and Haley D’Ann Deveau.
Also, Elise N. Diaz, Luke T. Dildy, Jennifer Denease Dixon,
Samantha A. DuBroc, Jennifer L. Gann, Juan Carlos Garcia,
Jennifer R. Gaulitz, Caroline R. Gottfried, Tawnia Haas, Aimee
Hamm, Elizabeth H. Hartwell and Daniel Hirsch.
Also, Krystle NiCole Hooper, Elke Horn, Diana L. Jennings,
Carmen C. Kelleher, Ashley C. Kelly, Randi V. Kizer, Lindsay
Latimer, Jeanna M. Lensing, Jesse Lisenby, Kira L. Lowe, Melissa
J. Mauck and Molly Anne Mayer.
Also, Jason R. McKnight, Galynn Murray, Laura E. Obenhaus,
Lynn Park, Eryn M. Pendley, Shalane L. Powell, Whitney Y.
Powell, Paul Provost, Emma M. Quintero, Marrissa Rawlins,
Patti Sexton and Stephen M. Shahan.
And finally, Tricia Nicole Shipman, Landis R. Shoemaker, Andrea
K. Silvola, Heather N. Simmons, Matthew Arness Thomas, Stephen
S. Thompson, Lacy True, Tiffany C. Wiggers, Kendra D. Withers,
Cody Justin Wortham, Christopher Worthen and Jamie A. Zahradnik.
To be eligible for membership, students must have at least
a 3.7 grade point average as a junior or a 3.6 GPA as a senior.
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Gibson Awarded As Texas
Gibson received the highest honor obtainable
by a mediator in Texas, the Susanne C. Adams Award, on
Feb. 23. |
James W. Gibson was awarded the highest honor obtainable
by a mediator in the State of Texas on Feb. 23 during the
Texas Association of Mediators annual conference in San Antonio.
Gibson, student legal adviser with SHSU’s Students’
Legal Services Office, received the Susanne C. Adams Award,
created in 1997 to honor Adams, a visionary, leader and pioneer
in mediation, and those who, like her, set an example for
the rest of the mediation community to follow in Texas, he
Gibson received the award based upon his 18 years of contributions
to the advancement of mediation in Texas and the nation.
He serves on the board of the Texas Mediators Credentialing
Association and is the secretary of that organization.
In addition, he was formally on the board of directors of
the Texas Association of Mediators, the Texas Mediators Trainers
Roundtable, and is past president and treasurer of the Greater
Houston Chapter Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution
(now ACR).
A member of the State Bar of Texas, he has been honored for
outstanding service to that organization’s ADR Section.
Gibson’s writings have been featured in many of the
Texas publications for mediators and for lawyers and constitute
or form a part of numerous training manuals.
He published Texas’s first training manual for criminal
mediation, and co-authored the highly acclaimed book”
Capitalizing on Conflict,” published in 2002.
The Texas Association of Mediators is a statewide, interdisciplinary
organization whose mission is to provide leadership and education
in the field of mediation, and valued benefits to the organization’s
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Grant Named President Of
Housing Officers Org
Dana Grant, assistant director for the Department of Residence
Life, was recently selected as president-elect for the Southwest
Association of College and University Housing Officers at
the organization’s annual conference in Oklahoma City.
SWACUHO is an association of university housing administrators
who are interested in educational and research purposes that
contribute to the improvement and coordination of various
aspects of student residence, food service, developmental
programming, administration and related operations.
Her duties as president include presiding over the association
and executive meetings, coordinating the training of new officers,
overseeing association policies and procedures, preparing
an annual report, overseeing the conference committee chairs
and acting as a liaison with regional and national organizations.
Grant has been a member of the organization since 1997, serving
as the exhibits and displays chair for two years and as the
newsletter editor for two years, as well as serving on various
other committees.
Currently, SWACUHO supports a membership of 80 schools representing
two-year colleges, professional and graduate schools, and
four-year institutions in Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas.
SWACUHO is an affiliate of The Association of College and
University Housing Officers-International.
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Students Give Boy
Scouts Chemistry Lessons
A local Boy Scout observes the results
of an electro-chemical reaction during the Chemistry Merit
Badge Scout Day activities. |
Darren Williams, assistant professor of chemistry, and 11
SHSU student volunteers from the J.C. Stallings Chemistry
Club and the Society of Forensic Science Students recently
assisted 19 Boy Scouts in completing the requirements necessary
to obtain their Chemistry Merit Badge.
The Boy Scouts participated in a six-hour program of lab experiments
and lectures, using laboratory notebooks to record observations
of experiments with abrasive cleaners, batteries, caramelized
onions and chemical separations.
They demonstrated their knowledge with written examinations
on the seven merit badge requirements covering topics such
as the chemistry of cooking, chemical hazards, pollution,
governmental agencies and the chemical disciplines, Williams
Student volunteers for the project included Tricia Chapela,
Michael Eckhoff, Shannon Gross, Christine Henry, Daniela Ide,
Tim Johnson, Casie Jupe, Shamah Lloyd, Hudson Pace, Rebecca
Reyna and Angela Ripley.
The Chemistry Merit Badge is offered every spring during the
Sam Houston State University Scout Saturday.
For more information, contact Williams at
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FCS Faculty Present Work At Conference
Three family and consumer sciences faculty members presented
their research during the 89th Annual Meeting of the Texas
Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.
The "Mission Control: FCS of the Future" conference
was held March 1-3 in Clear Lake, Texas.
FCS faculty presenters included Laura K. Burleson and Janis
H. White, discussing their poster presentation, "Use
of Available Data to Identify Learning Outcomes: Response
to Current Evaluation Trends," and Paula J. Tripp, discussing
"Higher Education Classes Out of the Classroom: Preferences
and Practices."
Among other presentations and speakers at the event were NASA's
dietitian discussing "Food in Space," information
regarding the Texas Education Agency's "Achieve Texas"
initiative, insights into how NASA technology has been transferred
from space into homes and child-centered designs for apparel
The statewide delegates represented higher education, secondary
schools, government agencies, cooperative extensions, and
business and industry.
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Send Update Items Here
Please send information for the SHSU Update to the Office
of Public Relations at SHSU. For electronic access to SHSU
news see the public relations Web page Today@Sam.
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- END -
SHSU Media Contacts: Frank
Krystyniak, Julia May,
Jennifer Gauntt
March 11, 2007
Please send comments, corrections, news tips to